New Race! BP's Galactic Grammar Gateway!

Hi all,

It’s time for a new race!

This time, we’re going from the northernmost point of Hokkaido, all the way to the surface of Pluto!

Here’s how it goes:
1 review = 1cm.
Distance to Pluto: 722,382,793,100,000cm

If we keep up the pace we had in the last race, we should finish before Christmas 351158327 AD!

Anyone who joins will get a special badge designed by my My great^100-grandson, who I just know is going to make a fantastic artist if he ever ends up being born!

I’ll start:
0 + 1 (my daily review to keep my streak going) = 1.

Let’s gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Nice! We also have a race all the way to infinity if you click here!


I think that we should merge the new races. As bunny pro said we are already walking out of Japan. After the moon (that is a planed checkpoint) we can add a Pluto as a well.