Polishing off 2 years of rust (Study log)

I’ve been trying and trying to find the anime in Japanese in the US, but no luck. I guess it’s not available outside of Japan since the international versions are so different than the original. DVDs are out of the question because of region lock. :slightly_frowning_face: As much as I want to watch the anime in the original language, this is one series that I just have to let go of.

More thoughts

I know you can find anything while “sailing” but I am not a fan of that and prefer to stay on land, if you catch my meaning.

Thanks for the heads up. I was hoping I’d be able to source blurays on Amazon or something.

The Japanese cultural centre here has a library. Maybe I’ll try and make it out there to see what they have.

Happy Friday!

Grammar: N2 7/213 (3%)
Vocab: N5 - 553/1100 (50%)
Kanji: 278/2300 (12%)

Reading: Pokémon Special chapter 2, 3 pages of Yotubato chapter 10, about 5 NHK Easy articles

Listening: TTS for 3 NHK Easy articles, about an hour’s worth of podcasts

Output: Nothing

I turned ghosts up to full and started on N2 at 1 new grammar point per weekday. I immediately got swamped with ghosts because I keep making stupid little mistakes.(38 at the moment). The idea is to help drill things into my head so I don’t have to think about it anymore.

Not a heck of a lot to say today. I have the day off for my Birthday, but I’ve spent the whole day making chocolate chip cookies and getting my son’s laundry ready so I can pack for the big family Canada Day party tomorrow. I’ve wanted to do some writing practice with a little blurb ranting about people talking on the quiet area of my train home yesterday, but that might have to wait until Sunday.


Happy Friday!

Grammar: N2 - 11/213 (100%)
Vocab: N5 - 592/1100 (45%)
Kanji: 278/2300 (11%)

Reading: Pokémon Special chapters 3 & 4,

Listening: Podcasts

Output: Posted 2 moments on HelloTalk

Ghosts have been at a consistent 59 for most of this week, but since I’m only adding 1 grammar point a day it hasn’t caused my reviews to balloon up, thankfully.

I’m on vacation next week; heading up to take the little dude to visit his grandparents, so I’ve set myself on vacation mode until I get back.


Grammar: N2 - 20/213 (9%)
Vocab: N5 - 687/1100 (62%)
Kanji: 326/2300 (14%)

Reading: started on Pokémon Special Chapter 5, haven’t finished.

Listening: Podcasts

Output: Nothing

I know it’s not friday, but I got back from my vacation 2 weeks ago and I keep getting distracted on Friday and end up not updating. Yesterday was the Monday of a long weekend, so I thought that today would be a good day to catch up on my study log.

I set myself in vacation mode while I was off and did not to any studying. I got a good bit of crochet done, though. I finished the triceratops for my son, and started the one for my nephew, and I’ve got a baby blanket going for a friend of mine who’s expecting. The triceratops’s horns didn’t quite end up where I wanted them, but little dude doesn’t seem to care; it’s soft and squishy and that’s all that matters.

I decided to try the new setting to drop your review level in half when you get a review wrong instead of setting ghosts to max, and I think it’s working a lot better. I’m back to about 11 ghosts.
I’ve fallen behind on reading, but I don’t have much free time in the evenings anymore. My husband’s contract at work ended a number of months ago and he’s having a hard time finding something new. Our savings are dwindling to the point where we may have to sell our house. We both agreed that if it comes to it, we’d rather sell and get something smaller while we have time than try to hold on to the house and end up foreclosing. I’ve been working on tackling our list of little things to do to get the place spruced up to sell, so my reading time has been restricted to two days a week, on the train home from work.

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Happy Friday!

Grammar: N2 - 23/213 (10%)
Vocab: N5 - 721/1100 (65%)
Kanji: 342/2300 (15%)

Not a huge amount to update today, just wanted to update the weekly stats. As we’re getting closer to the fall, I thought it’d be fun to do some end-of-year projections. At my current pace, I should be 60% through N2 grammar, have finished both the N4 and N4 vocab decks, and be at 835 in KKLC. I’m not sure I’ll hit these number exactly with all the fall/winter holidays, but it’ll be interesting to see how close I can get. Check back here in January to see how I did. :yum:


I know it’s not Friday, but it’s been a while.

Grammar: N2 - 26/213 (12%)
Vocab: N5 - 763/1100 (69%)
Kanji: 342/2300 (15%)

Things have gotten busy again, with getting the house ready for sale. I got behind last week and finally managed to get caught up again with use of the vacation function to keep new stuff from piling up on me even further.

I’ve also found out that a cousin of mine is expecting, so I had to start spending most of my free time working on a baby blanket so I can get it done in time for the shower.

This is definitely going to kill my end-of-year projections, but I knew I wasn’t going to hit them, anyway. The point is to give myself that dangling carrot so that I keep doing what I can rather than blowing it off.