Prep for JLPN1: 6 months on Bunpro?

We can take it to PMs


Yeah, that’s definitely not a good look. It doesn’t bother me if they have overly ambitious goals, reality will hit them soon enough and either they’ll push through, adjust, or give up, their prerogative, but that comment was absolutely uncalled for.

OP you’ll get a lot more out of this forum, and people in general, with cooperation and respect. There’s no reason to shoot someone down like that, and you’re not gonna make many friends here if you continue that behavior.

I’ll just see myself out of this thread.





Can we establish a custom that if you want to write in Japanese you are obligated to add translation so to not exclude people from conversation? I don’t want to bother trying to read it simple because I have no tools yet to establish if you are butchering the language or not, and I try to care about quality of the input at this stage of learning.

It would be great if you would consider that.

It’s arguably necessary on their platform given the time to complete WK and the frequency of the kanji.

However if interested, I recently posted the WK levels 61-70 deck in Kitsun which completes the remaining 367 N1 and Joyo kanji plus vocab with mnemonics using WK radical knowledge. I think this is a preferable platform given the content; you can run it level based like WK or fully exposed in any fashion a user wants. Plus you can type input like WK or just Anki style.

BTW, would be great to have a blur spoiler feature in the forum tool bar so you can write Jp and hide your translation in Eng so you can practice but be fair to all users like @MacFinch mentioned. I may have this in the suggestion box long ago :package:


A quote I learned in Japanese comes to mind:

You can learn something, really, only when you do it by yourself.

The little level badge over my name should give everyone a fairly decent idea for how much butchering is going on.

I’m fine with users who don’t have the desire to look up Kanji or grammar I use and just skip my post to read the English posts. As for me, I could really use the immersion at this point. I’ve studied RTK, run Anki for years, passed N3, live in Tokyo and have a Japanese wife. There are some pretty strong linguistic arguments out there for going full immersion (not partial with translating everything), and my preference is for this.

If they add a 日本語 only forum or something to exclude people from posting in Japanese, then I will follow this. But, I’m left wondering, if this is a Japanese language learning tool, why should we be forced to use English?

If there is ever a post that doesn’t make sense and someone would like me to roughly translate into English, then please ask and I will do so happily ( ◠‿◠ )。

With kindness (よろしくお願いいたします):






Edit: s1212zさんのデックからアンキダックを作ってもいいかな?自分で出来る、でも許可をいただきますか。


Sorry to bring this up, but this number is my primary concern… If it would be over 80-90 then I would be just a little bit less worried. And even then judging people by their ability to grid exp is bit silly. You can easily imagine native haiku writer coming here to have a look with lvl 1.

Are you writing native book or something similar to that, and have editor looking over your shoulder? No? Then please allow me to not use your writing as practice material. My Japanese is still very fragile.

The title of you best seller written in Japanese please :hugs:

Because we don’t what to create new creole language here. There are forums doing just that.

People that probably would benefit from your input the most probably are still not able to decoded it. What the point then?

There are many ways to learn a language as there are people. I prefer immersion, and you don’t, so please just skip my posts, or ask if one in particular has you stumped.

I’m not interested in a flame war — we all have a right to our own approach within the bounds of the site policies.



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Here is the site if interest: and direct link to the Deck Edit: correct link


**The Lost WK Levels **deck includes the remaining N1 & 常用漢字 367 kanji not included on WaniKani based on wkstats to create levels 61-70. Almost all kanji have custom mnemonics and all cards are seperated by level tag which can be filtered to recreate the WK experience along with 466 vocab words. If you want an even more extensive kanji list, I suggestion checking out the Beyond WK kanji deck.

Keep in mind, Kitsun is not free but there is a trial and subscription model. Just to reiterate, the mnemonics are based on a previous WK experience so radicals are expected to known from an experienced WK user.

I see your edit, Kitsun(キツン :slightly_smiling_face: from 狐 :fox_face: kitsune) can import Anki but will not export out. The decks are by built out using their auto-dictionary feature which is one of the main reasons why so sort of a proprietary feature. But I encourage anyone to check out the trial, it’s 2 weeks I believe and see if it’s a tool they are interested in or not.


I am 100% on immersion site of the conflict. Don’t get me wrong. I just won’t to immerse myself in native Japanese.


I understand — please do skip my posts, as I really am somewhere between the N3 - N2 level and I make a lot of mistakes. I also really need to get more immersion to get my levels up. Doing 1-2 hours if Anki/WK/BunPro is just too slow for me now.

If they add the blur feature, then I will have to re-consider my approach. I love the blur on Tsurukame.

Edit: Again, I’m always happy to roughly translate if a particular post proves confusing. Or, better yet — if you want more practice, then posting your translation and then we can have a quick discussion on what I was trying to say and how close I got… /shrug





You seems to be nice person so being able to communicate with you without compromising my learning strategy would be great :hugs:

Just add you main point in even broken English and we can have conversation. I am forcing people to put up with my english so I will without complains read yours.

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You can also use the hide details like above, just copy/paste your Japanese in the ‘summary’ and put your translation in the drop down.

I understood what you were saying for the most part even though I know it’s not native. Ideally, we could have a JP only section on the boards but it’s best when a native can moderate/correct when necessary.

I think basically everyone agrees with you, but sometimes it’s more tiring to tell people something other than what they want to hear. To be honest I thought they were trolling with all the other accomplishments, but if they aren’t then they sure have a more exciting life than me :joy:.


Will try this — thanks. Please realize that I will be trying to think/post in Japanese and then translate that into English (instead of ur other way around), so the English may get a bit wonky.

Your English level is in many ways above the average native speakers I suspect…

1 Like常用-and-人名用-plus-more-spreadsheet-anki-and-memrise/17343 There’s an anki deck here already


Why I have got unpleasant feeling you somehow managed to add me to this… Why plural? :scream:

Just in case to my defence I will prove I am very humble fellow:

It is not complement really. Not many people know how to use their language properly. If you would be ever about to learn Polish please avoid polish forum/facebook/twitter at all cost. 90% of people speak as if they failed kindergarden…

But thank you very much anyway :hugs:

Thanks for this nice summary, and I agree with everything you say. I’ve been half ignoring this thread to avoid wasting energy.

Giving the OP the benefit of the doubt, she may not be an intentional troll, but she is still a troll of some kind… perhaps not worth too much more of our energy here?



PS — oops, should have written that in Japanese ^,-

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Lol — true in English as well, but I was afraid if I said you had better than native skills you might disagree, so I watered it down to a more practical statement ^,~

Your English is great, not perfect, but pretty darn good.


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