Request For Custom Vocab Decks

I study kanji in a separate app with my own personally designed flashcards. I am a big believer in using a variety of resources and platforms to review the same content. I would love it if I could review the information from my flashcards on Bunpro. I have tried working around the current system, such as adding each of my vocabulary to my reviews, and then isolating my grammar reviews by only accessing them through the grammar decks. But then my regular reviews would become incredibly bloated. I want to make a custom grammar deck, mark the entire thing as complete, and then be able to open it in cram so that I can access it when I want to. Moreover, I’d like to be able to make separate decks with a reasonable number of items, rather than by using one monster deck. I have also tried bookmarking the vocabulary I want and then cramming bookmarks, but that is essentially the same thing as creating a monster deck.

I really enjoy using this service, I would get even more out of it if I could make my own vocab decks.


It’s something they are actively working on.