Route to Japan in October 2025: Study Log

Dear all, the moving doesn’t go as planned and I’m still living in total chaos. :sweat_smile: However, I really need to go back into my routine and did the following today:

  • bought and read the manga Mr.マロウブルー第5巻 in one sitting during lunch break.

Well…that’s it, haha! :rofl: I’m planning to review my grammar points from where I left last time (I can’t even recall when that was 🥲) and review my kanji Anki deck.

I promised to let you know my thoughts about 変な家, so let me share in a bit more detail what my reading experience was like:

As you know, I really enjoyed the book and I think it was very refreshing that there was so much dialogue. It did get more descriptive in the latter half or so, but actually, I didn’t mind. The story was very entertaining to me and I was completely drawn into what’s happening. I don’t want ti spoil anything, but let me say that the story turned into a direction that I hadn’t anticipated (not that that’s a ad thing, though). It did lose that eery, mysterious feeling that I really liked, but all in all, I would like ti recommend the book to anyone who likes mystery stories.

Since I want to get back into learning, I promise myself to listen to the audiobook tomorrow morning as a listening practice.

Okay, that’s it for today and I’d be glad if one or two of you would remember me. :sweat_smile: I’m glad I’m back and finally feel like I can make some time for learning again (which I really missed and I noticed it’s calming me down), because I literally had ZERO time left during the past weeks. It was crazy.

Have a great morning/day/evening, I’m off learning some grammar and kanji now :four_leaf_clover:


by the way: I already anticipated that I’d fail the N2 because I underestimated the time. Well, I did fail by 5 points which surprised me, because I had a major time issue during the exam and didn’t even read the majority of the texts in the reading section. Therefore I was certain I’d fail big time, and not ‘only’ by 5 points, which is a bit unfortunate. Another thing which surprised me was that the listening comprehension was my strongest section. I’d NEVER anticipated that :rofl: