So why is it a good idea to complete all n5/n4/n3 topics in two months? (my log)

It’s been 10 days since the last update so here is a new one:

Avg study time for the last 10 days is 4.4h/day
Something like 15h of listening
And I’ve read half a volume of Frieren without tracking time (I wonder how many words it is? 5k mb?)

I’ve almost done no reading, just couldn’t concentrate at all.
But I’ve been recovering and doing 1 hour for the last 3 days.

  • As I said half of the first Frieren volume in paper (I haven’t do a single lookup so far)

I’ve finished Frieren and now I have 1150 i+1 listening cards, it was about 2.3 hours on average

It’s the section for the words, but now it’s not only words but listening comprehension, reading, grammar, and making old words stick in stone.
So I added 650 cards in 10 days. 150 short but I guess it’s ok.

I’ve watched the first season of Mob Pshico with relative comfort, not like I was understanding a lot, I don’t know how much i was understanding, sometime laughing from jokes and fully getting the line because I’ve watched it 2 times before that.

Also listening to “Yuyu no nihongo podcast” and other podcasts, it’s already quite comfortable to do!

Also I want to ask help for with content, I need some good quality travel channels and programming channels (like Fireship or something about finding a job as a dev), thanks!

Started adding grammar 3 days ago and added about 15 new point from premade bookmarks.

Form now on doing:

  • 2h anime sentence mining
  • 2h anki
  • 1h Bunpro (as much as I can)
  • 1h reading (msuhoku tensei)
  • No tracking YouTube, anime, and manga included

Hope I’ll be able to do at least 5 dedicated hours/day this week.
I also plan on making a new update post the next Saturday to make myself a little bit more accountable

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To sum up:

n5 - complete
n4 - complete
n3 - 17/219

I had 1000 cards in 3 different decks that I gave up, and now I have 1150 other type sentence listening cards.

More than 100k words of reading on LingQ (250k characters on avg)

I’ve been tracking time since I’ve learned hiragana katakana and radicals, from 01.08.2024 and it’s been 548 dedicated hours of study.
Also, I think 150 hours of untracked 70-100%-attention listening is good enough of an assumption.
So in total, 700 hours
But I don’t really care about 150 listening hours for now and usually saying plain study time

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In my limited experience as well N3 is where the grammar starts to get very specific. I’m about halfway through it myself, and it’s a lot more ways of using words in some grammatical way then inflection rules.
So, seems like you’re doing good. If you’re able to read and listen then that matters way more than anything the tools tell you. If you can speak with another person, you’re there. Everything else is meta.


I wanted to make a post but idk.
Not everything is going smoothly.
Now my active learning time is 5 hours and I think it’s time I can squeeze out of myself every day so I’ll have minimal losses while having time for manga, youtube, chatting, anime etc.
For now, it’s:

  • 2h - reading (mushoku tensei with furigana on, it’s fairly enjoyable now)
  • 1h anime mining
  • 1h Anki listening practice with mined cards
  • 1h bunpro
  • a few hours of free immersion
    Maybe I’ll add 8-12 cards a day from what I’m reading and messages in English/Japanese card type, I want to know how well it will work.

I got a Japanese human to chat with, it was painfully slow in the beginning but after writing ~ about 70 messages it started feeling natural and looks like time spent was divided buy 3.

I bought 1-6 volumes of Frieren, I can read it with really little problems as I did it with subs and made over 1k cards.

I also got 2 easy books one of which is little prince:

I’m looking for a nice setup with iPad or iPhone to make easy word lookups by writing kanji. Maybe you know good apps or convenient websites?
I think ill be reading them in my free time and making 5-10 pepper cards a day with necessary for me words.

My progress is not as big as I wanted, I still can hardly understand any youtube, but there are some good sides like my reading speed is growing in real-time, my understanding is better, and chatting is easier, so I’m not going to give up my fast pace at least for a few more months, and I’m already making my mind up to prolong term from 01.03.2025 to like June, I’ll see how my understanding will go, but for now I hope I’ll be able to do something like Frieren - doing travel for a travel and not for results

Thanks for reading!

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Oh no it should have been “points” not “topics” :man_facepalming:

I’m glad you found a Japanese human to talk to as opposed to a Japanese macaque or a Japanese bear or something. :hear_no_evil:

I’m impressed if you can read Frieren with little issue. Is the grammar fairly simple?

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Ye I guess that is the regular approach in most jp learning cases :laughing:

Grammar is fairly simple, of course there were some hard sentences while I was mining cards from anime but I managed to resolve most of them using google translate, ChatGPT, and my mentor. + I’ve watched it so many times that I can just guess what some structures mean, probably