What is the one useful study/learning technique you use that you're pretty sure most learners don't use?

ah, i thought review steps of 5, 30, 180 means that if you always press “good”, you’ll see it after 1, 5, 30, 180 days. that seemed a bit long.
Yes, if you could link the Migaku Anki video, that would be great, thanks!

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HAHA oh my god nononononono those steps are in minutes :joy: :joy:

Here’s a link to a brief overview of just creating cards. I personally don’t use sentences on my cards (for the most part) so my process is a little faster than his. Basically, you just hit “Add Card” and then inside the dictionary press the arrow and you’re done in 5 seconds. Hopefully the below video jumps to the 9:20 section and skips the set-up so you can see what it’s like.



Haha, alright, that explains it :smiley:
My Anki still has full day intervals (1 and 3 days for first reviews), i should probably also set it more towards WK/BP style with minutes/hours. For now it’s still fine for me as i’m still doing a lot of BP/WK lessons, so i have enough reviews already.

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Instead of putting aside N hours per day, I keep WK and bun pro in tabs open all the time and visit them for a quick session(10 items or so) when I have downtime. Helps to prevent getting rusty even if you have busy schedule through out the day.


I do this, too! It’s why I can never quite pin down how long I actually spend studying in a day, because I do it in little chunks whenever I fancy and have a spare moment. For me, it’s also been the best way of avoiding huge review pileups, which are the bane of my existence.


As a beginner, I see new kanjis everyday. I tried rtk, but failed (felt like I was not learning anything from it, but now they don’t looks like random lines).

For each of the one I encounter, instead of putting them all into my SRS and having thousands of reviews per day, I just take a quick look at them in the dictionary, and for each of them, I look at the meaning, example words (thank you apple build-in dictionary for making everything so easy !) … I’m probably going to forget them in the next 5-10 minutes, but it helped me a lot. After searching for the same kanji a few times in the dictionary, I often remember them easier each time, or remember at least one of the vocabulary words.


Writing sentences online is one thing, but actually writing on paper is considered useless because Asian societies are tending to have everything written on the phones nowadays. Lots of Japanese and Chinese people I know say they don’t know how to write kanji because it’s not that useful other than rare occasions like signing their name.

My one big tip/trick is this:

Learning Japanese is what I do to procrastinate. And I’m very lazy. So I spend many hours studying. This Jedi mind trick I pull on myself seems too ridiculous to be true, but it works like a charm.

(This also works in a more general way to find out what you are passionate about in life. What do you do when you have nothing else to do?)


Doing this for a week now, it works wonders :yellow_heart:


Yes! me too. Too busy grinding reviews to deal with life, so sorry!

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I didn’t even realize that was an option…



For those of us who have a lot of Anki cards (thousands), ease is a serious problem. So much so that I consider the way Anki implements it to be a significant flaw, as you will over time find yourself absolutely buried. I also use the Reset Ease add-on and it’s been a tremendous help.

In addition to that, I’ve recently begun utilizing the Bury feature in Anki a lot more. When I get a card “mostly” right or even sort of right when it’s a word I really do know I’m just having a senior moment, I won’t hit Again, I’ll Bury it. If I really do know the card, then when I see it the next day, I should immediately be able to recall it well. If I still struggle, then it’s gets Agained. I’ve also learned not to fear the Easy button. I used to think I needed to see cards more often to ensure I could retain them. I guess that’s true, but you have to consider the opportunity cost. If you keep working on the same words every day, you won’t be learning new ones. I decided it was a better trade-off to learn more words, so now I hit Easy much more often. Coupled with the Reset Ease plugin @EdBunpro mentioned, and the Bury approach above, my Anki experience has been a lot more comfortable lately. My Again rate might have gone up a bit, but I’d rather be less accurate with more words than more accurate with fewer.

It’s still really useful but for normal reps, I’ve been finding for awhile that adding more steps accomplishes a very similar goal IMO. I’ll see a new + failed card 3 times in one day and then once the next day and I can determine whether or not it goes back into my review deck. Different stuff works for different people, just gotta keep at it for awhile to determine what’s best for ya!

@wrt7MameLZE33wlmpCAV yeah I can’t imagine anki without the reset ease or having my settings tuned for me. There’s some default settings there that just scratch my head. I too have been utilizing the bury function more lately! Sometimes I’ll accidentally hit a card too early and then bury for tomorrow or like you said, at the end of a long review session I’ll make a dumb mistake and realize I’ll just bury for tomorrow.

That’s neat you use the easy button a lot though! I tend to just hit hard on most of my cards because I like seeing them a lot in the early stages and for more mature cards, I’d rather see it in 4 months again vs 8 I guess. My ease is set to like 200 or so minimum so I can always count on the hard number to just double each time. Kind of nice! Anki reps aren’t really the most enjoyable thing in the world after a year and a half lmao but at least we can make it manageable with adjusted settings and such.

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I wish WaniKani had this. I find it extremely demoralizing when I miss a word that I would’ve burned.

It’s not the same as Bury, but rfinley’s Double-Check script might be able to help to some extent. I use it to correct typos or simple errors that are easy to make when you’re on auto-pilot and mix up a word. Sure, you can abuse it, but I’m a firm believer in empowering people to learn the way that is most conducive to them.


If I’m having trouble recalling a new vocabulary word, I’ll find a bunch of different images representing the thing. Then I’ll point at one picture and say the word, point at the next and say the word again, over and over for each picture. It feels like training a dumb dog, but the dog is me. I usually can get permanent recall within about a minute or so of doing it.

I started this one awhile back by standing in the middle of my living room spinning around going 「窓、窓!」. I guess the neighbors are used to it.


tattooing, one body, ten thousand kanji, do it


10K? Better make it 50K just to be on the safe side.


Finally someone else who has played Devil’s Third on the Wii U!

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