5 Minutes for 6 Days every 7 days: A Log

Its kinda the same “hanging on” – it’ll take however long i guess

Today I had the idea of using a 5 minute timer (lol), I really want a stopwatch feature in Bunpro and I am slowly learning JavaScript, hopefully can figure out how to do that since the existing plugin doesn’t work on Reviews 2.0.

I’m learning like if I need to retreat because my emotions are just like “AHHHHHHH”

  • try one review
  • then, when I’m comfortable with that, try 5 minutes





and also new strat, I can review like one grammar point a day to begin with, to start refamiliarizing myself with N4, I think when Reviews 2.0 came out, there was an onboarding process in the docs from 1.0 to 2.0 but since it’s been so long I kinda forgot how to use it, so it’d be useful if there was more guidance on how to use Bunpro from a vanilla standpoint.



hi ppl, i got new idea

today I researched more Japanese learning resources and I read chapter 2 of the Shikimori-san manga!

maybe if I use Japanese more, more interest will return (like I’ll be more interested and engaged)
and i’ll translate below too!

today i studied one grammar point, new idea: i should read the resources for the grammar point idk, and that’ll be enough, that means that in the short term my reviews are likely going to balloon even more, but that’s ok, maybe in a couple of months or something it’ll start to go down once i actually know how to use the grammar point.

ever since like a couple days ago I was exploring Marumori and seeing how it like had a path, like a textbook, since I’m using Bunpro vanilla, like I don’t think I want a physical textbook, since I’m not really writing anything down, mainly just typing.

and idk how i missed this, but you can mark which resources you read in the grammar point page, and that’ll be helpful too I think!

This reminds me again to make some kinda timer for Bunpro, so I know how long I spend the moment I start the review session (its a small optimization, but one nevertheless XD)


Hi~ Today I went to the gym in the morning and that was actually refreshing afterwards~

I really took my time and now I reviewed a term, meaning like actually relearning the term using the resource.

Also other resources from participating in these forums:
Animecards Site
themoeway/yomitan: Japanese pop-up dictionary extension for Chrome and Firefox. Fork of yomichan. (github.com)



Today I reviewed a couple of easy grammar points.

time to get my wanikani and bunpro habit back up and running again.
i got to move on with my life


I hope you’re doing ok! Just take it slow and you’ll get there!


@Neon_Kitsune thank you for checking up on me~

Today I went to the gym and i’m observing a positive correlation between going to the gym and how my day goes

  • basically when i go to the gym, i actually get something done
  • when i don’t go to the gym, i really don’t get much, if anything, done.

I reviewed this grammar point と考えられている、と思われている today


If you can, try to go to bed before 12pm everyday and get around 8 hours of sleep. Suposedly its good for most people to go to bed around 11pm. There was some research done about it.

Something that really helps me is to try to not have any electronic devices around 1 hour before sleep. I would read / draw / play guitar / write stuff on paper / write in my daily planner.

Hopefully this will help even more than just the gym!!!


@zerohbeat thank you for the advice! I think I find it difficult to sleep at night, I feel horrible and so usually I watch anime, but I’ve been trying to convince myself that I want to get up in the morning to go to the gym;

I don’t really watch anime in the daytime anyway… reverse sleep procrastination is the name of the thing I think

Thinking something with gratitude and like anime timelapse to pull my life together would help me get through this period

Today I did a couple of reviews while waiting for something.

Reviewed しかない since it suddenly didn’t make sense anymore…


Revenge Bedtime Procrastination
Don’t be hard on yourself. Just try in general to go earlier… Slowly there will be more wins and it will become easier.

Writes the person that went to bed at 6am (me)… hehe


@zerohbeat aye thank you for the reassurance~

I do recognize I tend to be quite hard on myself and that I tend to react that in a more apathetic way than a “ok I can do better step by step”

Today I went to the gym today but didn’t have breakfast. I did have a big lunch

And it’s very late but I did review 的 today, which doesn’t seem real to me for some reason…

I watched a lot of anime today too eeeh



today i went to the gym in the morning which was good, i ended up staying up reading solo-leveling

maybe i should take a break from bunpro? and just do it as i can, not expecting much progress?


Just my personal opinion, but I think it may be a worthwhile endevaour to re-evaluate what your learning goals (both in general and specifically on Bunpro) are. On the current pace you’re taking, the backlog is pretty much always going to remain at the same level which is not exactly a positive thing to look at logging into the site everyday.

It may be beneficial to reset your progress with N3/2/1 and then focus specifically on N4 before moving forward with anything else. This would allow you to spend more time on individual points like it seems you’ve been doing lately, and worry less about N3+ grammar concepts. Not sure if that in particular would solve your problems, but it seems like you’re in burnout mode and that’s never a fun place to be. Maybe others can chime in about how they’ve dealt with similar problems to help give you some ideas about how to get out of it.

I have seen some users discuss how they reset certain areas, slowly caught up with their reviews, and then when they felt truly ready to move on they would add only 1 point at a time so they didn’t end up doing whatever causes them burnout in the first place. Your milage may vary of course, but just repeating what I’ve seen on these forums before. Hopefully one way or another the answer comes to you :v:t2:


Yeah, sounds like you should take a break. I would go on vacation mode and re-evaluate your learning goals. Why do you want to study japanese, do that.

If your goal is to watch anime, and you are watching anime, You’ve already won.

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I’m inclined to agree with you in re-evaluating my learning goals for bunpro…

I think I needed that push 🫸🫷 so thank you @EdBunpro

Per the review number being stagnant and at three digits rn, my N5 deck has 5 cards RN and my N4 deck has 70 cards, so I probably want to focus on those decks.

I think it’s true I’m in burnout mode in terms of bunpro, I thought I’d try for … well I don’t remember now, maybe it’s somewhere in my posts above how long I intended to try this for once my situation started melting in December.

I would definitely love feedback on what to do about resetting certain levels. My current cents on it: Those N3/N2/N1 cards I started studying because I studied those as part of my high school and Japanese classes, so I’d want to retain them.

I’m not adding fuel to the fire by adding more lessons, which is good, but the fire is still burning bright and maybe I’ve gotten too used to having the fire burn this much, what it’s like to have a warm stove instead that’s controllable

Theoretically, if I forgot something once I learned it, I should review it, and the SRS would do its magic, but the slow progress of whittling down the reviews number is quite draining… I know consistency is key, but the tool should help…(?) Drip drip is how progress would be made rather than whabam and drip drip is quite difficult.

Thank you for taking time to suggest some steps forward~ I appreciate them and welcome thoughts like these!

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Me being someone who can process thinking stuff via expression, I’ll take the opportunity to do so now~

Why I want to learn Japanese:

  • initially it was to watch anime without subs, but nowadays it’s actually quite easy to find subbed anime rather than anime raws – in terms of progress status I’d say I’m kinda at a plateau. When I watch rom com anime the vocab usually centers around emotions and slice of life kinda stuff so I don’t pay attention to the subs as much and can focus on the animation, characters, storyline. But stuff that’s psychological or pretty much anything else I need the subs

  • to get myself out of the rut/plateau, I thought I needed to increase vocab recognition (first)/grammar recognition (second)

  • I thought manga would be the way to go since I can just look up stuff and control the pacing better than anime.

  • I listen to a lot of j-rock and J-pop too, so I also have some immersion in that I sing along to songs I like. Spotify has the lyrics for most of the songs I like so plus!

  • I guess my current learning goal, may be something like

  • N5 Bunpro reviews – preliminary run through, this is easily completed

  • N4 Bunpro – this actually kinda difficult, and 70 reviews is a lot for me rn;

I was doing the wanikani absolute beginners book club but I don’t feel in the mood for rom com atm, (they’re reading shikimori -san, which is a great series but rn isn’t right)

I’m not sure honestly, which isn’t great but I’ll say it. Let’s see what I think tomorrow


Well frankly speaking, the underlying factor is that your current pace of doing reviews is not going to result in you getting out of this rut. Kind of hard to convey tone/etc. through forum post, but I mean that (and everything else) in the nicest way possible haha. Even if you did reset N3 and beyond, you’re left with 75 cards. Based on your past 14 day activity chart, you’re averaging 1 review a day - not even beginning to take into consideration ghosts, that’s 75 days to complete the already-reduced pile.

My point is that either the pace has to pick up a little bit (~3 reviews a day?) or it’s probably best to just put your account on vacation mode for a bit and then come back to grammar when you’re in a more ready state. It seems like whatever you’re doing now isn’t working out for you mentally so IMO you’re kind of left with only 2 choices of actions.

If it were me, I think I would do the following:

  • Write down all of the N3, N2, and N1 items you’ve learned so far in a document
  • Reset everything above N4
  • Give yourself 7-14 days to do 3 reviews (or more) every day to see how you manage with the workload
  • After catching up with N5 and N4, very slowly re-introduce the previously learned N3+ content into your workload.

If after 7ish days you’re not feeling it, then probably will need to put Bunpro on vacation mode and come back at a later date. It may be of benefit to you during these couple of days to write about what you’re going through - frustrations, joy, confusion, etc. as someone else may be able to relate to your situation and help give you some more focused advice. I think it will be worth re-arranging your daily schedule to at least give this new workload a try just for a bit to say you attempted it.

Either way, best of luck and hopefully things do work out for you. Not because I want to see more people continue to use Bunpro but because I want people’s Japanese journey to be as stress-free and fun as possible since after all, this is more or less just a hobby for most people, and it should be relatively fun!


It’s good sometimes to push yourself to study or do your reviews, even if you don’t feel like it, but it’s also important to take breaks as well. I’ve read before, and have experienced it myself, that when you take a break and give your mind a rest, you’ll find new strength to continue studying. If you need time to just rest and listen to music and watch anime and not do any real studying, that’s a perfectly acceptable option. Of course, don’t take too much time away because you may forget some important grammar and vocab, as I have discovered with studying and taking an extended break from German.

Well, whatever you decide to do, I, Ms. Internet Rando, will be rooting for you. :+1:t2:


This thread got me to think about some things, and we’ve made a slight adjustment to a new feature we debuted a lil’ bit ago. The max reviews per setting option (changeable inside reviews) had a limit of 10 and a max of 200. We’re keeping the max at 200 but the limit has been reduced to 2 to help bridge the gap for those who want to use this feature while also not wanting to do as many as 10 per session.

Super mega small change but slightly relevant to the discussion at hand, so small FYI to everyone who may read this :jack_o_lantern:


Update for today:
While waiting for my friend to finish at the gym, I looked at everyone’s messages and did some reviews on top of it.

  • preliminary clear N5, it was five cards and it was easy