I’m inclined to agree with you in re-evaluating my learning goals for bunpro…
I think I needed that push 🫸🫷 so thank you @EdBunpro
Per the review number being stagnant and at three digits rn, my N5 deck has 5 cards RN and my N4 deck has 70 cards, so I probably want to focus on those decks.
I think it’s true I’m in burnout mode in terms of bunpro, I thought I’d try for … well I don’t remember now, maybe it’s somewhere in my posts above how long I intended to try this for once my situation started melting in December.
I would definitely love feedback on what to do about resetting certain levels. My current cents on it: Those N3/N2/N1 cards I started studying because I studied those as part of my high school and Japanese classes, so I’d want to retain them.
I’m not adding fuel to the fire by adding more lessons, which is good, but the fire is still burning bright and maybe I’ve gotten too used to having the fire burn this much, what it’s like to have a warm stove instead that’s controllable
Theoretically, if I forgot something once I learned it, I should review it, and the SRS would do its magic, but the slow progress of whittling down the reviews number is quite draining… I know consistency is key, but the tool should help…(?) Drip drip is how progress would be made rather than whabam and drip drip is quite difficult.
Thank you for taking time to suggest some steps forward~ I appreciate them and welcome thoughts like these!