A brave new world?

It’s been a long time since I posted here, but I decided to start my Japanese over again from the very beginning after spending a large amount of time focused on programming. After being laid off from my job, it’s given me an unprecedented amount of free time to focus on what matters most, and one of those topics was Japanese. I reset absolutely everything and for an added bonus, even reset my chunky Anki decks.

My study goals are simple and concise: 20 new vocabulary words via immersion studied thru Anki per day. 5 new Kanji via the same way. Each Kanji I will write 10 times each time it appears in Anki, so if I get it wrong, I gotta repeat it again. And of course, we have Bunpro. I am excited to see what everything is like from the very start, as many changes were added since the last time I used it.

The caveat that I want to add is that I will only immerse myself in Japanese as long as it will take me to fill 5 kanji/20 vocab to my decks. So it will be very fast the first few weeks and then it will be a slow crawl. That way I won’t have any Anki card backlogs as everything will be up to date.

I don’t intend on making this a blog-style update type of thread, as I don’t think I am nearly as interesting enough to make one of those, but I just wanted to make this thread as I might start posting here and there.


Take your time and feel at ease. Only here, are you truly safe.