A frustration with vocab review consistency with material

I don’t have the entire list at hand, but there are a few subsets of words that keep tripping me up. Two immediately come to mind:
One is some words taught with a preceding お and then some reviews have that お as part of the sentence and not the answer. For example: お構いなく. A cursory investigation doesn’t bring up other examples included in studied words, which might be the source of my frustration.
Another is the same words in different lengths or formality but sometimes identical meaning. For example: お帰り and お帰りなさい, which have the exact same hint and sometimes nothing in the sentence to mean one or the other; ごめん, ごめんなさい, and ご免ください, which could end up with the identical hint of “I’m sorry”.

For these, if I have just the highlighted word shown as hint (my default is Japanese nuance shown automatically. Just the highlighted word if otherwise), I rely more on how I remember it being taught than how the sentence looks like. In the first case, I sometimes confidently move on from a mistake thinking I got it right. In the second case, I sometimes choose a different length one and get it wrong, again cementing a mistake if I’m being quick.

My pace suits me, leaving me with hope of change on the reviews - consistency in the sentence compared to what was taught and highlighted nuance for similar words.

Thanks for reading.

(On a side note, I’d rather conjugate vocab that include verbs at the end on my own, but I understand why that isn’t the case.)


I think there’s certain words/kanji that were added but never “double checked” to see how applicable they were.

I recently discovered in the N2 set with the definition being: “10^32, hundred nonillion.” I thought that was oddly specific, as usually those types of words/kanji aren’t included in the JLPT. In fairness, jisho.org does list this kanji as being an N1 word, but also labels it a “rare word.” The more common variation has this as “ditch; drain; gutter; trench” which I feel would more likely be on the test? There have been a few others like this as well that just seem “off” so I mark them off as known since I’m nervous about being mislead.

I could be wrong.


I’ve had a few issues with that too, being given the less common version. I just try to keep the other definitions in mind too since they can both technically be used, but I do wish there was a way to change it. Like in jpdb there are multiple definitions and you can go in and choose which ones they show you

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I just had おめでとう come up and the hint was “Congratulations!”.
I tried the polite version first, because that’s what I’ve been taught in general. Apparently the difference is that the addition of ございます is just “Congratulations”, without the “!”.
There’s a degree of very iffy consistence in multiple similar terms, yes.

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Thanks for the feedback.

Vocab and these sorts of inconsistencies are definitely something we are gradually fixing, and have some changes for to avoid this sort of thing in the future.

Definitely something that’s a super big dot on our radar!


Genuinely encouraging to read your message. Hoping to see updates soon :slight_smile:

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This kind of fits in here to, I’m having trouble with some words where I don’t know if I’m wrong or not.

For example:

彼女を駅まで おくる:white_check_mark:
彼女を駅まで みおくる:x:

みおくる is was what I thought of first but apparently it’s wrong, even though I’m pretty sure I’ve read similar sentences like this several times.

This is frustrating because I don’t know if my understanding of the word I used is wrong or if my answer is technically correct but just not included in the list of possible answers. Sometimes you get that yellow text that says something like “let’s use the more polite version” and you know exacly why your answer was not accepted, but when it’s only marked as wrong you’re left in the dark as to why.

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