A little accountability post

Hello, all.
I pop in and out of here as my motivation waxes and wanes, but no one really knows me, so I will give a short introduction.

I am Sam, a 35 year old Englishman who started learning Japanese out of a need to refine aspects of myself that I regard as lacking. As an autistic person who cruised through language classes in the lowest set in secondary school (while universally residing in top sets otherwise), language and communication was, and perhaps is, an area to be refined.

I started studying Japanese a little under 5 years ago. I would say I have been ‘conversationally fluent’ for approximately 2 and a half of those years. When I say conversationally fluent, I regard this as being able to talk about anything in the normal scope of daily interactions., not flawless, natural sentences than would make an author jealous: just basic uninterrupted conversation. My current state is one where I can pass N2 with relative ease and largely handle N1 at a pass level outside of the dreaded reading section.

And that is where this post comes in:
When you can already say everything you want to with a relative level of accuracy, what does one even do to push on and motivate? Make a post on a forum where one will detail their daily progress, of course.

My goals for the next 6 months:
• Convert the entirety of the shinkanzen master n1 vocabulary book (2200重要) to flashcards, creating 2-3 native checked sentences for each word.
• Complete my bilingual travel guide/memoir
• Finish a novel instead of quitting at 25-75%
• Fix my bunpro and anki backlog in a sustainable manner.
• Engage in some textbook based keigo studies (3 months). Deploy said keigo with my mouth-hole regularly (3 months).
• Shadow at least once a week.

But what about conversation? I already do that, so I do not feel the need to set myself up for failure by forcing a set duration or style.

My ultimate goal is to actually FEEL some improvement over these 6 months.

Please feel free to pop in and definitely let me have it if I haven’t posted for a day or 2. I will try to add useful things I discover along the way to make it worth your while. Thank you.


Today, I formatted my anki deck to treat 2022 words differently to those learnt in this current spate of motivation. As I have a backlog and they are largely known words, I have limited myself to 50 reviews of these 1500 per day to facilitate focus on the new vocabulary.

Opening bunpro was also an important step as it has provided structure and motivation over the years.

Here is a piece of writing I produced (admittedly yesterday, but I intend to post daily, so I guess today’s will go up tomorrow):

Writing time (20 minutes)
Native checked: Yes




From now, I will write today’s piece and create my first sentences/cards.

If anyone needs any help or a study buddy, let me know!


Your writing feels really good. I have been “studying” Japanese for over 6 years now, but probably more than half of that time was spent on doing either useless stuff like duolingo or anki reviews, or nothing at all, so it was a huge waste of time that I regret. I feel ashamed whenever someone asks me how long I’ve been studying. Anyway, since this March I’ve been going strong with daily reading and I’m seeing huge improvements although I feel like at this pace there’s still 2-3 years of painful daily study ahead of me. So yeah I can understand any form of trying to motivate yourself. Anyway, you’re great and keep at it!


I can say that my vocabulary and reading exercises have been lacking, so don’t put down your efforts with anki and such as useless! I wish I could swap 20% of my messing around with ‘practical’ things over to rote memorisation. We all have to start with ‘our’ way and then evolve to fix the dead-zones and regrets we leave in our wake. You can do it <3


A wishy washy 3 years for me and I’m also scraping for motivation. Nowhere near the level I’d like to confidently communicate and my weak point is glaringly my non-existent speaking skills. Seeing others strive certainly refreshes my mood to try more though.

I think we only use the word “Broadcast” in this sense.
“He’s broadcasting his intentions by doing that.” for example.
Not sure if I’ve come across it in Japanese. But if it’s been native checked then that’s cool.
It does seem obvious it’s similar to something like 「意図を伝える」or something.


This may be true. My friend knows that I tend to use metaphors and similes quite liberally and may have seen it as that without need for expansion/explanation. I could have shown it as such more plainly, but if it is good enough for her cursory check, then it suits me! Perhaps it works and the collocation with 情報 is utilised at least semi-frequently.

I just asked her and she confirmed that it gave her the image of radio waves and such, so she permitted it as 比喩的 as the piece is detailing the magical power of dogs to ‘transmit’ information, rather than the standard ‘conveyance’ that would be inferred with a more standard verb. She also believes she found it to be sufficiently natural as it was in essay/written format where people are typically more creative with phrases, whereas in speech, it would likely stand out more. So yeah, completely correct and a 情報を伝える would have been more natural, if natural writing were the sole purpose of these pieces. Thank you very much for reading thoroughly and giving your advice!


Day 2:

I have finished the preparation work for these things but am yet to get back into the rhythm.

While I am not an anime watcher as such, I watched a few episodes of はじめの一歩 with Japanese subtitles and was pleasantly surprised at 90%+ comprehension.

I wrote 2 pieces today. I guess I will only post one of them to avoid fluff:

Writing time: ~30 minutes
Native checked: yes

イギリス人の癖に、鰻を食ったことがなかった。いや、イギリスの北部の人だからこそかな?イングランドのJellied eelsは南部の特産物なので、出身地を誇りに思っている北部の人には抵抗がある。見た目は良いとも言えない。だが、不思議なことに、日本鰻は前々から憧れていた。見た目が良くて、味を知らず、食いたいなと長く心待ちにしていた。

たかとひろえと一緒にロンドンのやや高めなレストランに行った。たかとひろえはそれぞれ天丼、鍋焼きうどんを注文した。俺は、ステーキ丼を頼んだ(ひろえが奢ってくれたから、五千円のメニューを注文したのに、今でも罪悪感を感じている)。前に書いたように、イングランドを誇りに思っているので、「British Ribeye(リブロース)」を見ると、早速決めた。濃くて美味かった。照り焼きの味よりも、リブロースの強い味わいが口の中に広がって、もっと食いたくて堪らなかった。しかし、その素敵な味の混ぜこぜのせいで、問題が生まれてきた。分け合うため、鰻も唐揚げも注文した。唐揚げは今までの一番ビミョーな唐揚げだったけれど、ロンドンで充分美味しい唐揚げを見つけられるので、それはともかくとして、鰻に集中する。ひろえによると、食った鰻の魚っぽい味は薄かった。イングランドに凄く強い魚っぽい味が好きではない人も結構いるから、多分庶民の好みにしたのかな?あるいは、使っている鰻がイギリスのものかな?それもさておき、なぜかというのは重要なことではない。要点は、なぜ薄いのかがまだわからない。普通にウナギと書いてあったし。不味くはなかったけど、照り焼きがその鰻の細やかな味を圧倒してしまった。もしチキンからできていたとしても、その経験はあまり変わらなかったはずだ。魚を食うなら、魚を味わいたいな、俺。


I did do some sentences for the words in my N1 vocabulary book, but I am finding it sorely lacking in scope. The first word: アイデンティティー is given with one example and translation, so ‘which’ identity in English this corresponds to had to be ascertained. This theme continued and resulted in a general erosion of time. Perhaps this workload balance issue needs to be addressed.

Aside from that, the rest of my studies comprised of general conversation.


The workload of trying to finish my book to some extent before my new job begins has been somewhat crushing.

I did, however, write 2 more sections, one of which I will post.

I read 2 chapters of ノ・ゾ・キ・ア・ナ and reread it with a native, confirming correct understanding of one or 2 parts. I also made some flashcards because smutty stuff is apparently easier to make flashcards for than N1 books.

I watched 2 episodes of はじめの一歩 but my understanding was a little lower than the previous foray due to distractions.

Writing time: around 40 minutes.
Native checked: yes




As you can probably tell, the current chapter is about food in the UK.


I read a further 2 chapters of ノ・ゾ・キ・ア・ナ and made flashcards. Again, rereading with a native to confirm some slang.

I also tried to watch some anime, but it really isn’t my thing. Perhaps I should read more.

I did 10 bunpro reviews to start working on the backlog.

Today’s writing was on the multicultural nature of England (I seldom visit other parts of the UK, so I do not wish to blindly apply norms).

Writing time: 30 minutes
Native checked: yes




2 Chapters of ノ・ゾ・キ・ア・ナ (and created flashcards)
2 Episodes of ばらかもん
Wrote 2 pieces for the book (I will hold off on posting as it seems few seem to read them (sorry))
Perhaps today’s realisation was that there will be some hard days.
I did 12 bunpro reviews to lighten the load a little and finally started doing the flashcards I have been creating on anki.


I read 3 chapters and with that completed volume 1 of ノ・ゾ・キ・ア・ナ.
I still need to reread them and make flashcards as I read it in bed last night.
I completed items on my anki and bunpro backlog.
I wrote an essay on the subject of author bias.
1 week until my new job starts and I have to get my act together.


Interesting choice. Shame about it’s awful adaption.
Hope your new job is going well.


The new job is not giving me a huge amount of time to study, but I am still writing 1-2 pieces a day, and I am finding time to read a few pages of チャンネルはそのまま at the tail-end of breaks. The hardest thing is simply pretending I enjoy rote memorisation, so anki has taken a dive, but in general my level of study has not faltered too heavily. Thank you for taking the time to reply and motivating me to post.

A short piece on nighttime sightseeing in London:



Some expansion needed, but I am overly passionate about London in general.

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