A question about the vocab 「さっさと」


I just started the onomatopoeia deck with its release recently. Today was 「さっさと」. I noticed a lot of its meanings are quite similar to another word I know, 早速 (さっそく)

What are the key differences, if any between the two? Are there cases where using one versus the other makes a notable difference, since both are adverbs?

It was a little hard to judge as there are not example sentences for 「さっさと」 yet.

Just wanted to avoid confusing the two if there’s something notable between them!

Hey @dorothy3242 !

さっさと is used in casual situations, and it is generally used for things the speaker wants to finish immediately. Due to this, it can have a negative nuance.
Break up with a person like that immediately!

さっそく can be used in both casual and formal situations, and it is used more literally as immediately.
A panda came to the zoo near me so I went to see it right away!

I hope this clears it up!


That helps clarify it a lot. I think I understand the difference pretty clearly now. Thank you so much Fuga! :sunny:

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