About "Negative い-Adjectives" [Bug?]

In my latest review about Negative い-Adjectives I was asked to answer this question:

Pretty straight forward, isn’t it? No indication, that any specific level of politeness or casualness is required. Just straight up present tense negative form.

So, I answered with this:


But for some reason this is wrong. Can you tell me why?
It even says in the grammar info itself, that くありません is far more polite and not used in casual conversation, where ないです is more common.

So, with no indication, that the explicit polite form is required, why is ないです wrong here?

is it a bug?


Exactly the same problem I’ve bumped into today. I was even wondering if the 「遠くないです」form was incorrect.

I think if Bunpro wants you to use this more polite くありません form, the API should at least give a warning saying “Close enough, but can you be even more polite?”, as it does in other cases.

Thanks for bringing this up!


I just finished a review, saw this item, made the same observation and the first community post I saw on the front page was this so you aren’t the only one!

It’s one of the newly added items right? So probably just has not had the “close but not what we want” examples added to it yet.

Underneath the grammar explanation should be a “Report” button. You can also use that to mention this issue :slight_smile:

Ah, I’ve never seen that. Only now when I actively looked for it :smiley: Thanks.

Hey and welcome on the community forums!
@Dsingis @jtm33
Long time no see :slight_smile:
I have fixed the alternative answers, the 遠くないです should work now!


@mrnoone Thank you and keep up the great work!

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Thank you very much for your effort!

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Have we met before? :smiley: I just ask because you say “long time no see” :smiley: I usually am not present in this forum, this is the first time I’ve posted a thread in the bunpro forum.

But anyways, thanks!

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I just meant that few months has passed since your last post on the community forums so it’s nice to see you here again :slight_smile:

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