"Additional example sentence" resources

I’ve been thinking about this for a while but finally decided to bring it up. Many of the higher level grammar points (even plenty starting in N3) don’t have enough resources that explain the grammar point. To compensate, many of them contain links to additional example sentences. For example, the first resource for https://bunpro.jp/grammar_points/453. However, aren’t those types of resources just sentences entered by random people, including other learners? I think those types of resources are unreliable and can lead to potentially learning unnatural or even outright incorrect usages. Personally, I’d recommend removing those kinds of resources and looking (again) for more actual grammar explanations.


Short of a formal explanation there are plenty of websites which provide example usages which might be useful. For example for 如く:

  1. https://jisho.org/search/如く%20%23sentences

Those are the very websites we shouldn’t be using (first three at least, while the fourth lacks translations). Some of those at least are written by random people who aren’t native speakers.

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