You’re doing great! Below are suggestions I wish I had done earlier when I first started studying:
-Read more native content in conjunction with an SRS app such as Anki or
Every time you run into a new word, add it to your daily SRS review deck.
よつばと is a great beginner’s manga if you haven’t checked it out already. Plus its really cute too!
The WK book club thread has a bunch of useful resources if you go this route
-Take something you’re passionate about and make an effort to only do it in Japanese.
For me, this was video games. Switch is the best console for language learning it turns out; just by switching (no pun intended) the system language it will automatically switch all your existing games to display in Japanese. This is possible on other systems, but I’ve found with PS5 there are sometimes separate versions needed to play a game in Japanese.
-Listen to Japanese as much as you can at every opportunity.
Ripping anime audio or japanese streams and listening to the same thing on repeat will burn the dialogue into your brain. Put it on your phone or home sound system and have it playing all the time. I’d advise picking something you love to listen to for this, because this takes literally hundreds of listening sessions over time.
-Vtubers. (wait don’t run!)
For whatever reason I had some apprehension to start myself, but I’ve found there is a virtually infinite supply of native japanese dialogue through this medium. There are a variety of dialects and speaking styles on display, and I’m almost always picking something new up every day listening