ANKO! Anki style quiz buttons in Bunpro (script)

ANKO! adds Anki style ‘Show’, ‘Hard’ and ‘Easy’ buttons to Bunpro reviews :slightly_smiling_face:

Get the script at greasyfork:

And there’s a demo video here:

You can turn it off and on as you’d like, switching quickly between Anki quiz style and Bunpro type the answer style as and when needed! :popcorn:


  1. Click ‘Show answer’:

  2. Decide if it was Hard or Easy:

  3. Turn ANKO! on and off instantly:

  4. Regular Bunpro keyboard input resumes when ANKO! is turned off:

Technical note:
Keyboard buttons 1, 2, 3, and 4 have been configured to trigger hard, easy, show, next respectively but are disabled in the code. You can enable them in the code but consider them experimental and use with caution!

Enjoy the sweet sweet ANKO!