Announcement! N1 Grammar JP Translation is Now Available 11/15

Hi, all! :raised_hands:

Today, I have an announcement regarding N1 Grammar. Now, you can learn N1 Grammar in Japanese!

Purpose :fire:

This is a new feature for N1-level learners who want to study grammar in Japanese. By learning in Japanese, you won’t have to switch between English and Japanese during your studies, which allows you to keep your brain in ‘Japanese mode’ and helps you to think in Japanese.

Are there any differences between English and Japanese? :thinking:

We translated English write-ups into Japanese, so the structure and information remain the same. However, while the original English write-ups are written from the perspective of English speakers for English speakers, we had to modify the Japanese write-ups a bit.

For example, we often compare English and Japanese in our write-ups, but in the Japanese version, we had to remove the explanation that use English meanings.

Our translation goals are (1) to have zero English in Japanese write-ups (and we have successfully written 99.9% in Japanese) and (2) to ensure natural Japanese. So, please note that sometimes the translations may not be 1:1 literal translations.

What is the level of Grammar and Vocabulary? :writing_hand:

We use only the grammar that users have already learned at each level. Regarding vocabulary, we use words that are listed on our N5 to N1 vocabulary lists as much as possible. However, there may be a few words that are not on those lists although they are still commonly used. If you find any of them too difficult or if there’s anything we missed, please let us know! We’re always open to modify and improve our contents.

How to switch between English and Japanese? :arrows_counterclockwise:

Just click the button at the top-right corner of the write-ups box! You can find this switch on every grammar page. Once you change the language, the setting will be applied to all other grammar pages.

Is the Japanese available only N1? :eyes:

Yes, the Japanese write-ups are currently available only for N1 grammar. However, if this feature looks beneficial for many users and becomes popular, we’re willing to expand to other levels as well!

Thank you for all of your support in joining the community, giving us feedback, and helping us improve the site for all users. We hope this new feature can help you in your learning journey! :airplane: :japan:


I am far from the target audience, but this looks really neat! Thanks for the constant updates. I’m looking forward to the future of this site. :pleading_face:


Time for me to hammer that grammar :hammer::rabbit2:


Oh man I’m so stoked. Half way through N3, can’t wait!


お疲れ様です! Thank you for your hard work! I look forward to being able to use this feature one day! :muscle:t2:


Another great update, thank you!


I noticed the switch a few weeks ago, so I guess I’ve been testing this feature before the official announcement :slight_smile:

My initial impression: I vastly prefer the Japanese writeups to the English ones. Thinking about grammar in Japanese terms seems to make it stick better for me.

Thank you!


Wow, this is so cool! I feel like it could be tricky to implement for lower levels simply given general reading comprehension early on (this is wayyy over my head, hahah), so I think it was very smart to start with N1. This place just keeps getting better!


Really love this feature! I will probably reset my N1 progress at some point and reread everything in Japanese. Thank you so much guys!


brilliant, thanks!


I’ve stopped adding new grammar points after finishing N2 because English is not my native language and I find the English explanations confusing sometimes since I don’t always have a solid grasp of the nuances of the English translations. Now, I tried the first 2 N1 grammar points and I find the Japanese explanations really well made because they explain the nuances better. I would love Japanese write-ups for N2 grammar points since some of them are still hard to understand for me.
Thank you very much for the continous improvement of Bunpro. You’re an amazing team!


Would it be possible to swap between the two, like how the daily/hourly review forecast works? Sometimes I can’t parse the Japanese until I know what it says in English and have to flip back and forth between the two.


I like the idea. I think it is good.
And since it is optional it may be worth putting on the other levels, however, I see N5 and N4 being the least worth it.
My expectation would be that, around mid N3 is where people would start to want this feature. As that is where I estimate most people, at that point, would be where they would need to be in their learning to actually be able to use such a feature.

Though, it may be good to go back and read a full Japanese explanation of the N5 and N4 when able.


I enjoy the feature. Can I suggest adding a click on to see furigana on grammatical terms?

Also, a suggestion, if you ever do a dictionary of grammar terms in Japanese. For example, the definition of words like 副詞、述語、etc. from Japanese to Japanese, it would be amazing to add a click to pop up instead of furigana.

Thank you for your hard work!


Excellent work!

As someone who’s already been through the N1 grammar I’ll be sure to check this out if one of the points gets me stuck.


Great. I would like this feature for the other levels as well!

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