Any recommendations for books to read

I’m looking for a booklist based on each level of the JLPT. Mobile app preferred

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Not something you’re strictly looking for, but try here:
Prebuilt decks – jpdb
You can search for books, novels, manga, whatever and sort by difficulty (not JLPT difficulty though, probably more regarding vocabulary stats like amount of words, percent of unique words, etc.). You can choose what to read based on said difficulty and see how it goes. There are over 6k entries so it’s quite a bit, maybe you will find something good.


You’re looking for this:

If you are sufficiently new to learning Japanese, however, your best bet will be to start with graded readers. Tadoku has a massive free book collection which helps to provide about as smooth of an on-ramp into native content as you can get:


It is worth noting that despite this website (learnnatively) listing by ‘jlpt’ level, it tends to mean nothing. Some of the N3 books are practically unreadable without massive dictionary humping to me with a JLPT N2+ vocabulary. In fact, any native material will be such, so rather than selecting by level, you may as well pick something you want to read.

Right now, I am reading ノ・ゾ・キ・ア・ナ, which is graded at n3 by this website. There is little furigana and I have, by the end of the 3rd chapter, 37 new words. This number would easily be double or triple with only a baseline passing N3 level. In addition to this, there is a lot of casual speech that would not be covered in a JLPT focused study plan. I am not knocking the site in any way as it is useful in its own scope, but it definitely isn’t a jlpt graded list.

Not what your looking for but if you can find stuff meant for Elementary school 6th grade to about Middle school 2nd grade. Its a good place to start. I have read a few books from that section. I read pocahontas in Japanese lol. Thhe funny thing about the Japan book is they claim a lot of stuff about them trying to get to Japan for spices rather than india and I was like… I never heard that. (By the way that book had a TON of words about nature I didn’t know.)