API support?

Bunpro has an API key for accounts but as of maybe a week ago it seems to be having issues:

  1. Page title is a bit messed up when visiting the API key: image at this page
  2. API doesn’t seem to function as of late

I used this plugin to see my reviews left for the day in my browser but it got stuck about a week ago. Tried another plugin for this but it has the same issue. Changing the API keys doesn’t help and I received answer from a developer for one that it’s an issue with the Bunpro API as a whole.

Is the API - or the ability to get reviews left for the day for a user - discontinued, or is this just a bug? It seemed to work before.

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Please bring the API back, people use it to help their routines. It’s important.


Just posting again for those following this to say the API seems to be back now.