App for iOS?

Hi all! I’ve seen topics about the app, but no recent update from what I’ve seen. I was wondering if there was maybe an update I’ve missed? All I’ve seen is the closed beta, but no further news. I love the handy-ness of having an app available, and it is probably the one thing I’d point towards that Bunpro could really use (in my humble opinion haha)


The iOS app is a beta that you need to download using TestFlight. You can find out details here. I’ve been using it every day for months now and haven’t had many issues with it.


I believe the beta testing is closed as it is full, it won’t allow me to get n invite code for test flight, however I find the website very accessible and can even use at work whilst on VPN, so I can sneak a few reviews in when it’s quiet hehe


I used Safari to create an icon on my home screen for the website, just about as good as having an app really. :slight_smile:

Tap this here and then select “Add to Home Screen”, thank me later lol.

I do it for WaniKani and a bunch of other non-app websites too.


Same :slight_smile: its so much easier to remember my dailies when I have the sites bookmarked :slight_smile:


Any idea when the IOS app will go live?


Bump - come on Bunpro you have a solid gold app here let’s get iOS store working!!