App or Desktop?

I found out about bunpro not too long ago and I was so ready to pay for it but I just can’t get it to work…
Every time I use the app from my phone and press the Learn button it says “Error occured. Please try again later blah blah…” . If I press the Review, I keep getting the same thing over and over. If I choose stuff from the list to read and mark them as Mastered it doesn’t work either.
From desktop I can’t seem to be able to click anything in the dashboard and I suppose it wants me to pay which I dont mind doing as long as it’s certain that it’s going to work…
How do most people use it here, app or desktop? If I get the paid version will all those issues get solved? Any info will be greatly appreciated and sorry if it was been previously asked but I couldn’t seem to find an answer.

To my understanding, when you sign up for Bunpro you get a 30 day free trial. I’m assuming your trial is finished. Bunpro is basically a paid service, so once you subscribe it should go back to how it was when you were on the free trial.

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Oh I see, the first time I downloaded it it was over a month ago, something wasn’t working and I just uninstalled and just came back to it recently.
I guess I will just have to try out the app for a -paid- month and see before getting the yearly. Thanks a lot for your answer, it helped a lot.


I had to get started on the desktop version before the app would work.


If possible, could you try sending the report using the in app feature? (Dashboard, top left icon).
We will look into the logs.


// EDIT:
I got the bug, the fix will be published with update. It displayed wrong pop up information, instead of subscription alert.

We have fixed that bug!
Cheers :slight_smile:


Just to add, the broswer version (which can also be used on a browser on mobile as well as desktop) is the full and standard version whilst the app is still in alpha, I believe, so it is likely better to use the browser version when starting out so you can see what is and isn’t missing from the app later on.


Oh that’s great^^ thanks for looking into it.

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Awesome, thanks for the info! I am more of a desktop person but sometimes I tend to use my phone to put myself to bed~