Hello! I’m trying to find some reviews or information about the intermediate Minna no Nihongo books, but there seems to be very little information or opinions about them at least that I can find. Has anyone tried these books and know if they’re worth using after finishing the beginner books? Thank you!
I think they were used quite a bit in language schools. But since they have not been updated for a LOOOOONG time, I’d recommend you to continue with the Quartet series. Since you can do those on a self study basis and use the free Youtube videos from Tokiniandi.
If you have a teacher, I’d go with what they recommend. In my language school they used these books after the minna no nihongo:
- Minna No Nihongo 1
- Minna No Nihongo 2
- 中級日本語教科書 わたしの見つけた日本 https://learnnatively.com/book/a41b556019/
- テーマ別 中級から学ぶ日本語 https://learnnatively.com/book/c400def1c8/
- New Authentic Japanese: Progressing From Intermediate to Advanced https://learnnatively.com/book/10088f9dd9/
Hope this helps.