Are Minna no Nihongo Intermediate any good?

Hello! I’m trying to find some reviews or information about the intermediate Minna no Nihongo books, but there seems to be very little information or opinions about them at least that I can find. Has anyone tried these books and know if they’re worth using after finishing the beginner books? Thank you!

I think they were used quite a bit in language schools. But since they have not been updated for a LOOOOONG time, I’d recommend you to continue with the Quartet series. Since you can do those on a self study basis and use the free Youtube videos from Tokiniandi.
If you have a teacher, I’d go with what they recommend. In my language school they used these books after the minna no nihongo:

  1. Minna No Nihongo 1
  2. Minna No Nihongo 2
  3. 中級日本語教科書 わたしの見つけた日本
  4. テーマ別 中級から学ぶ日本語
  5. New Authentic Japanese: Progressing From Intermediate to Advanced

Hope this helps.