Are these errors?

Hi there, I have finished N5 a day or so ago and started into N4 and have noticed a couple things within the first few grammar points. The first is with と:

Fun-fact - When the と particle is used with onomatopoeic words, it is very similar to one of とと’s main usages as a quotation marker in Japanese. This means that と has a similar role to words like ‘went’, or ‘goes’ in English. For example, In English, we would say:
The door ‘goes’ BANG with the wind.
However, the door doesn’t actually go anywhere. This is similar to what と is doing.

In the first line it shows 2 と and I wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be there or not.

The second is in the grammar section of ていく:


Isn’t 上手 a na-type adjective, therefore shouldn’t it be になる instead?? Thanks.


I am pretty sure you are right on both points. @mrnoone or @Asher can you confirm this?


After posting, I realized that 上手 could be read as うまい, but the reading on the kanji still shows じょうず. It’s probably correct, but the computer can’t really know which reading is being used at that moment and shows the basic furigana I assume.


Ah, yes that’s right! So it would be the adverbial form of 上手い.


Ok I encountered something weird today and figured it would fit here:

I am not entirely sure, but おりたためる shouldn’t be following itself in this sentence, should it?

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Sorry for the really slow reply here guys! The additional と was indeed a typo. The furigana on うまい was also a typo, and both have now been fixed. Again sorry for the delay! Feel free to ping me a few times if I don’t reply within a day.


Hi @Wippo, you are correct, that appears to be an error. I will fix it right now. It should only display て, as that is the missing component.

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Hey there, found another I think. Jisho says this reading is outdated. Is this true?