Hi there, I have finished N5 a day or so ago and started into N4 and have noticed a couple things within the first few grammar points. The first is with と:
Fun-fact - When the と particle is used with onomatopoeic words, it is very similar to one of とと’s main usages as a quotation marker in Japanese. This means that と has a similar role to words like ‘went’, or ‘goes’ in English. For example, In English, we would say:
The door ‘goes’ BANG with the wind.
However, the door doesn’t actually go anywhere. This is similar to what と is doing.
In the first line it shows 2 と and I wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be there or not.
The second is in the grammar section of ていく:
Isn’t 上手 a na-type adjective, therefore shouldn’t it be になる instead?? Thanks.