As a lifetime member, what else can I buy to support Bunpro?

Having recently passed N5 (well overdue I know, would never of happened with Bunpro). In my exuberance I was looking to see what I can buy to support Bunpro (merchandise or something) and I can’t find anything.

I got a lifetime membership is 2019 so I have contributed in any financial way for a long time (don’t start monetizing, I love that you don’t). While I’m probably an unusual category, it feels like a gap in your business model that I can’t find a way of giving you money when I’m literally looking for one (and this may not be the last time is was only N5).

Can contribute to a staff night out/ bonus fund?


Right now we don’t have a merch store or anything like that, although we are cooking up some cool stuff involving some physical Bunpro things. :eyes:

What we do really appreciate is all the users who recommend us to friends, family and even random people on the internet. We don’t do any advertising so we rely pretty much 100% on word of mouth.


I think it would also be beneficial if you could add something like a donate button. So whoever wants to give you a bit more money as a thanks they could freely choose the amount that fits their budget, since physical items may be too expensive for them and others don’t want the feel of “buying” at that moment because they want to give YOU something back. :slight_smile:


Is it possible to gift subscriptions?
I don’t know the market for that option (or if it’s possible, but that could be one way of contributing (although you need friends that are learning Japanese)


I think I’ve evangelized to everyone who will listen to me. Certainly more people than care about learning Japanese, but given the number of those that have actually gone on to get subscriptions, err my help may not be that great on that front.

Still I think Bunpro is awesome, put me down for a physical thing when they appear.


Couldn’t agree with this more!

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I’m still waiting for that indigo sweater …

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I think it would be good to make a new deck with the lyric of your favorite singer.