Audio play not showing and green words

There is no audio play function. It was there when I started studying this grammar point, but after a reload it stopped showing up. And now even after I go to different grammar points the audio functionality is not showing up. I extensively use the audio for my studying process so this hurts me quite a bit.

But it’s there in some grammar points

I have encountered green font for the first time. What do they mean? I don’t see a definition in the Structure Legend for them.

I’m not entirely sure what the green is for, I think it may just be a bug but I could be wrong.

As for the audio, that’s a really weird bug. It was showing audio for me too, I refreshed, and then the audio disappeared. If you need the audio now you can probably just delete your cache and that’ll fix it, just avoid refreshing that page.

I tried clearing out cache, using a different browser and restarting my PC before I created the post so I don’t waste anyone’s time.

I’m kind of convinced that there is no audio for this grammar point. I know that there was a play audio button for me too and then it disappeared, but if I remember correctly, there was never actually any audio for these sentences. I think the “audio is coming soon for this grammar point” must have been somehow removed is all.

If there is supposed to be audio, then it’s simply just bugged and nothing can really be done until it’s fixed. The audio can be downloaded I’m pretty sure, so if it does exist you could find it that way. The post for that is here.

Thanks for the link. The audio for that grammar point definitely does exist, I was listening to the examples audio for like 15 min before I accidentally refreshed the page. I use audio a lot for my studying process, listening to the audio before I read, trying to understand the sentence to hone my listening skills.

About the link, the N4 list stops after “N4 - 100 が見られる”, which is funnily enough the point literally after which “Question-phrase + か” comes. This doesn’t mean that audio for the points after N4 100 just doesn’t exist though, since when I visit the point “Causative” on bunpro, the examples do contain audio but it’s not there in the drive’s N4 folder.

Yeah, I mean honestly it’s super confusing why the same exact thing happened for me. The play button showed up for me and disappeared when I refreshed. But no matter what I do I cannot get it to show up again, I tried using a vpn, a different browser, my phone, different browsers on my phone, and none of them show the play button. Really odd.

If you are really set on getting the audio before it’s fixed, there’s a way, but I have no clue how to find the audio. By checking the audio that’s used for grammar points right after this grammar point they use a link like this:コーヒーとお茶とどちらがほしいですか。.mp3” and you can download the audio that way. As you can see it goes …N#/Lesson#/###/ExampleSentence.mp3". The 152 I assumed was the number it ranked in the N4 order, but I tried 150 with the か example sentence and I could not get it. I checked other example sentences around this one and some of them randomly go up to 600, so I have no clue how to find the audio except for just inputting every number up to 1000 until you are able to download the audio. Not really worth doing that, but I thought I’d mention it.

Thank you for your time. I guess I’ll have to forgo audio for some of the points, it’s not the end of the world.

I am really curious about the green font though. I’d love to hear an answer to that.

Hi blue, sorry for the late reply. I can’t give you an answer about the audio bug unfortunately, as that is beyond my knowledge, but the green font appears to code bug on our side. Only the green text that highlights the ‘question within the statement’ should be highlighted. I fixed the first one before finishing for the day, and will fix the others first thing in the morning! Sorry for the inconvenience. 🙇🏼‍♂️


Fixed the remaining formatting bugs :slight_smile:
