Black and white mode

I know this is a pretty fringe use case so I won’t be all that bummed if there’s no satisfactory solution but I received a boox palma e-reader as a gift and since it is an ereader that runs android os and I’ve set it up to be my little japanese learning station.

I’ve of course installed bunpro on it but since it’s a black and white e-ink display the only feedback I’m getting for whether an answer is right or not is whether the right most button at the bottoms says alts (when i get it right) and answer (when I get it wrong) after I submit my answer.

The best solution I’ve found is to set the audio to auto play since it only auto plays when I get the answer right but I’m not always in a place where I can play the sentence audio. I was hoping there’s some sort of setting I’m missing that would give me that feedback in a way that wasn’t dependent on color. maybe with :white_check_mark::negative_squared_cross_mark: symbols, an animation, some sort of ding, or even just the text correct/incorrect above the sentence. If not that’s fine, I know it’s a super niche problem.


On correct answer it shows a tick briefly?
Does this not come through?

doesn’t really come through on the e-ink display no :frowning: I’ll try getting some pictures later


ok so the ebook reader can take screenshots but of course they don’t look exactly like on the e-ink screen.
on the e-ink screen the slight color variation between right and wrong answers is even less noticeable than in these pics and the little indicator that shows the new srs level at the top right is written in such a thin, small font that it’s not really visible.

But as you can see, at least on this version of the app there’s no :heavy_check_mark: next to the correct answer : (

it’s not a big deal, I just miss the easy to see feedback but I get that it’s pretty much a non-issue. I just wanted to share in hopes that someone had a bright idea :grin:

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Ohhh you’re using the app then yeah?
Not the website?
Sorry I misunderstood your original post! :man_facepalming:

I’ll ask the mobile dev about this!
Should probably get the tick added in to the app as well for parity.

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thank you, sorry if I phrased it in a confusing way!

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Nah wasn’t confusing at all.

since it is an ereader that runs android os

I just failed to read your post properly.

Also just comes with the territory when you have two separate apps (web and mobile) that are (almost) identical. :sweat_smile: