Block Steam games until all Bunpro reviews have been done

I kept forgetting to do my reviews due to procrastination and video games, so I came up with this “solution” so to speak. Bunpro has a really simple to use API and you can query your remaining reviews and some other stuff from it. Out of desperation, I decided to attempt combining this with Steam (and some other applications)

Here’s a script that should work on most (if not all) Linux distros and maybe on the Steam deck too (and maybe on Macs, dunno how those work). Someone knowledgeable with Windows could probably come up with something similar.

You need to have curl and jq installed to use it


# Check if bunpro reviews have been sufficiently done :P
REVIEWS_AVAILABLE="$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/lib64" curl -s[put your API key here]/study_queue | jq '.requested_information.reviews_available')"

	notify-send "Bunpro lock" "Please finish your remaining ${REVIEWS_AVAILABLE} bunpro reviews first"
	exit 1
	# Run all passed arguments, if any
	[ -n "$1" ] && "$@"

	exit 0

Add the script to a directory that is in your PATH variable and then you can simply add %command% to any Steam game launch options that you want to “lock” until you have finished your reviews (or at least until there are less than 3 left, you can customize this threshold).

Here’s the script in action


This is beautiful. I love it.

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Cool stuff! I luckily don’t need it, but I really like the idea and thank you for sharing it :heart:

I love our users!


That’s really inventive.

Whoa that is so cool! Unfortunately as a true elite gamer I won’t be able to install that. Nothing can keep my away from Bloons TD 6


You could also put it this way if you are a pro gamer: You need to unlock the level, that is BTD6, by playing a few rounds of Bunpro :smiley:

You could also go into full hardcore mode and make your computer not boot until you have finished all reviews on your phone. Games have things that you can “unlock” by doing certain things, so how about implementing that into your real life hehe

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