Bookmarked Vocab

Is there a way to see all the vocab that you have bookmarked? Under “Content” there is an option to see all of your bookmarked grammar, but I cannot see the same option for vocab.

If it is not a feature yet, it would be really helpful so that I could bookmark vocab which do not have questions associated with them yet, and add them to reviews when they do.

Also, if I type an apostrophe when I post in the community section it seems to make the text formatting go strange (hence why the above post is typed without abbreviations haha).

Im wondering if its just my computer?

Sorry I can’t answer about the first question, but about the second, it seems like it’s starting/ending the “preformatted text” mode when you type an apostrophe.
There are a couple of different apostrophes available in text on computers: the one I’m using in this paragraph, which doesn’t enter that mode, and the other one, which does!

If you would like to use the other type of apostrophe, you might be able to find it somewhere on your keyboard, or if it comes to it use an ASCII code or copy+paste one from elsewhere.

The apostrophe I used above is like this:

The other one looks like this:

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The ` is not really an apostrophe, in fact, it’s a “grave accent”, used in some languages like Portuguese, to make letters like à. Since it’s a accent, it isn’t used alone most of the time, so it’s regularly used in a variety of different ways, like to make mono spaced text.

The “normal/original” apostrophe is the character ', although ’ is also pretty common (and the forum converts ' into ), it’s not included in the original ASCII table. Check here the character 39 and 96


If you bookmark a vocabulary word, it is available here:

I don’t believe it is available in the app but that is something @mrnoone could implement!


Thank you! I guess I didn’t scroll far down enough haha, apologies.

Only a small thing but it might be good to label it as “Your Bookmarked Grammar and Vocab” rather than just “Your Bookmarked Grammar”? I think it would make it a little clearer.

Thanks for the explanations! I think I’ve found the actual apostrophe :smiley: I’m using a Japanese computer at work so maybe that’s why I got confused about the keyboard.


Thank you! I think I’ve found it :smiley:

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