Books for conversational and practical Japanese


As I learn vocabulary and grammar, I realize I need more examples about real life speech. I am looking for a natural sounding conversation books. A book about correct ways to say things. I realize I don’t even know how to say some simple things. I am basically looking for close to native content I can read.

Any suggestions?


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Perhaps not exactly what you’re looking for, but this book teaches you a ton of every day phrases in Japanese. More real world, if you will, meant to teach colloquial speech:



It’d be helpful to know roughly what level your comprehension is currently? I have some ideas and resources but don’t want to overwhelm you or patronise you


Not really a book per se, but this channel is really good for learning conversational Japanese. This host isn’t afraid to grill mistakes that beginners make either.


bonus if you like pikachu


Did somebody say Pikachu?! :scream:
Omg! Where do I sign up :partying_face:

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Sorry about the late reply!

Hmm, it is hard to tell how much I know but I can say my kanji level is very very VERY beginner. So I need hiragana above kanji, romaji is also fine. When it comes to my level, I am usually good at understanding basic dialogues. As long as I know the words, I can piece them together and I believe I know around maybe 3-4000 Japanese words?

Please send me your suggestions, I will try to see if they are good fit for me, thanks.

Weird name… to say the least. Hopefully it is not only about making out… Thanks for the suggestion though, I will check it out.

I know her! I use podcast for listening though, I am not fan of videos for some reason. Thanks for the suggestion!

I know, the title is misleading.

The book does talk about dating situation expressions, among others though, but that’s as far as it goes with that topic. It’s more of a collection of frequently heard expressions in every day life. More casual, and not what you typically see in textbooks. It doesn’t just tell you what the expressions are, but it also (very succinctly) explains when to use them, and whether they are gender neutral or not.

It was recommended to me by a Japanese friend, if that gives it more credence :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.

“Conversing in Japanese” (the Japan Times)
ISBN: 978-4-7890-1684-1

“Shadowing” (two books, green is beginner)
ISBN: 978-4-87424-354-1

Both books come with CDs. The first only has close to zero kanji. Hope that helps

The Speak Japanse series may work if youre specifically looking for a book

わかる!話せる!日本語会話 基本文型88 (Speak Japanese!)

I can’t personally recommend this as I haven’t read it yet, but when I asked the same question to someone I know who’s very fluent at speaking, he recommended どんどん話せる!日本語会話フレーズ大特訓 必須700.

I’ve had this in my basket for such a long time I’ve forgotten the back story, but had a quick look seems good. I think what appealed to me was it has ‘don’t say this, say this instead’ aspect to it.