(Bug(?)) Grammar point displays after almost correct grammar

After typing an almost correct grammar point, which is not rejected nor accepted but a help-sentence shows up, the grammar point automatically displays below. This is annoying because I sometimes see the answer unintentionally. I think this bug has been happening on and off for the past months. It happened at all of my “almost correct” grammar points in the reviews today, and here is a screenshot.

As you see, after typing the almost correct grammar point に基づいて, the correct grammar point を基に shows up. I think this is a bug since the correct grammar point should only show when you have typed a correct or incorrect answer, not mid-typing.

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Do you have the auto-expand feature enabled by any chance? If so, I have very good news. If not, we’ll have to explore more on our end and message you tomorrow on certain test cases, etc.

Sorry if I misunderstand, but why should it auto-expand when you havent finished the review/sentence? Does it make any sense to display the answer before you have failed or succeded?

In your Settings, under General, do you have this feature on or off?

Yes, so apparently I have misunderstood its application. However, I still do not understand, why should it be triggered when typing an almost correct answer, and not just right or wrong? You will see the answer before the question is over.

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The reason I initially asked if you had this setting enabled or not is because if you did, then I have good news for you. We’ve already fixed the bug with this application and it should be put onto the site very soon. I just double-checked the fix myself and it is back to working as intended - it won’t show when given hints, basically like you’ve mentioned.

Until we announce it’s fixed (soon!) I would just disable the feature then re-enable it after. Sorry for the annoyance, but good news is that it’s already taken care of! :+1:


Oh I see, I thought the “good new” was that it was supposed to be like that. Thank you :slight_smile:

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