Bunpro Audio... Evolved! (Major Update Jan-07-2025)

We would definitely like to provide as much value for users as possible out of these recordings, as they are going to be such a good resource. We have discussed it a little bit internally, but nothing solid yet. Shadowing tools, listening playlists of troubled grammar/vocab, JLPT drilling tools, there are a lot of things that we could potentially set up that I would personally love to use myself too!

Feel free to throw around any ideas!


That timeline is fantastic! edit> just find a tiny bug you probably already know? If I press play on an audio and go back on the browser navigation, the audio continuous playing.


Yep! Found this one yesterday in testing myself. We’ll have it fixed asap!




Wanikani should copy Bunpro’s Cram function. Their way of reviewing burned items is just stupid and clunky. Bunpro has a much smarter setup for users, review-wise.
Wanikani is great but it’s stagnated / considered done (minimal new content added), right? And Tofugu has been pretty dead since late 2023.

Maybe Koichi learned from EtoEto and is working on a new service without announcing it prematurely.




Still, what a great addition! Can’t wait to add it to my study routine.


Gosh, this is amazing! Great work as always, Bunpro team!


hello, I love this update, thank you for your hard work, I was wondering if it’s possible to add a slider for the volume, for example under the already present speed slider. I find the volume to be too loud and I don’t want to reach the computer settings every time I use bunpro. Thank you again! :hearts:


I wish. They’re constantly shuffling content around and changing mnemonics, which is obnoxious when you’re trying to memorize them. They’re constantly changing their website; they got rid of the results screen that told you how many items you got right (and they’re in the forums telling people such a thing is just technically impossible), they decided you couldn’t stay logged in for more than a day without having to reënter your password (though they backed off a bit when users rioted), and they constantly make small changes that break userscripts (which would be understandable if the website was changing in positive or even observable ways, but it isn’t). They’re also constantly tinkering with their third-party API (which you’d expect to be stable since that’s the entire point of publishing an API), most recently giving non-WK apps the wrong readings for every character, breaking reviews.

WaniKani’s software engineering is a zen paradox: The amount of development they do without actually developing anything is astonishing. It’s a markedly worse product today than when I bought a lifetime subscription a few years ago; I would kill for stagnation. And then I come over to BunPro, where the product is constantly getting better, and I cry a little tear of joy.

So, I hope folks will forgive the mostly off-topic rant. I frequently get forum-update e-mails from WaniKani and BunPro back to back, and the difference is striking: the WaniKani updates are always something asinine like “we renamed all the mnemonic characters again” and then there’s a BunPro e-mail saying “check out the custom vocab decks” or “enjoy a few hundred (?) hours of professional voice-acting.” BunPro cares deeply about its customers; WaniKani doesn’t, and its developer is bored and just doing whatever.


If you’ll excuse the irony this Tofugu article is focused on the word I would use to describe the current state of Wanikani and Tofugu. Which is a shame because I honestly feel they’ve built something really awesome and educational, but they’re not at all on the upwards trajectory that Bunpro is on.
I still use Wanikani, but it would be nice to see them delivering good updates as frequently as Bunpro.


does this work in the android app?? I can’t find the audio of the scrpits


Figured out the source for this.
Fix will be pushed sometime today!

Thanks for the catch 🙇‍♂️


Could you employ this bug to keep the audio playing when moving forward in reviews like wanikani does (or did since I dropped it?) which would save tons of time? Last time I asked for this I was told it’s problematic to do for whatever reason.

In either case thanks for the update, listening is the part I enjoy most when learning a language.


I noticed this a while ago and was pleasantly surprised by the new voices! I had to replay some of the audio sentences because the voices were quite cute and lovely! Great work team!


Have to say, the recording quality is top notch ! Thank you for this non-trivial upgrade of bunpro, really appreciate it


Just a small update, the N4 audio for grammar should all be in on each example sentence (minus a few we are missing). The N5 and N4 reading passages have the proper formatting to allow for the sentence highlighting and jumping to specific sentences.


@Jake @Asher Whatever is already recorded by @Haru and @Chihiro is not going away is it??? The new female recordings are so clean and read the same way I couldn’t tell if it’s human or ultra high quality AI even after listening dozens of times. Glad the vocab robotic voice is scheduled to go though.


@Jake @Asher @Haru @Chihiro

It looks like it did disappear :sob::sob::sob: I was doing N3 so I noticed the new voice occasionally while reviewing, but I didn’t realize all of it is gone until now. This HURT. It’s recorded already anyway, why not leave it as a choice? I’ve been listening to them for so long I kind of feel bereft…


For real! Kouichi did a great job initially, but slacked off for years now. At one point in time, I was genuinely considering creating a similar SaaS, but fixing all the issues that WK has for years now and keeps neglecting. It’s no longer necessary really, since platforms like Bunpro, who actually put in the work, do exist.