Bunpro Audio... Evolved! (Major Update Jan-07-2025)

Could you employ this bug to keep the audio playing when moving forward in reviews like wanikani does (or did since I dropped it?) which would save tons of time? Last time I asked for this I was told it’s problematic to do for whatever reason.

Could you please elaborate? Not quite sure what you mean sorry… :sweat_smile:


Right now in reviews if you hit enter to move to the next question while audio is playing, the audio is interrupted. So if you want to listen, you have to waste time and wait for the audio to finish before hitting enter. On wanikani the audio continues and you can start reading the next question while listening to the later part of the previous recording.


Every time Bunpro announces new stuff, its seriously significant development. It’s so impressive.

And having the audio done by professional voice actors is just awesome. What a fantastic update.


oooo this would be so helpful!

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We still have the audio, it wasn’t deleted but listening to them side by side is quite stark in terms of over all audio quality as we invested quite a bit of time in post processing of the new audio to make it high quality.

We might consider keeping Haruna’s audio as an option but it isn’t supported within the code base at this time.


Personally I would consider that a bug. A very distracting bug I definitely do not want. If I move onto the next question I expect the audio to do so as well. If I move on before the audio is finished it’s because I don’t want to hear it, and certainly not when an entirely different question is presented.

I understand people can learn things differently and in their own way, but having the audio do that would negatively affect more users than it would help. It’s easier to process just one input at a time rather than splitting your focus and not benefit fully from either one


Amazing! Keep up the great work – it’s much appreciated.


If you often don’t want to hear the audio, why have autoplay on at all? You can just press P. And isn’t the goal here to learn to use the language in real world situations which are often full of noises and distractions? Nobody is forcing you to go to the next question or start reading it while the previous audio plays, but I’m forced to waste time and can’t proceed if I want to finish listening (which is almost always the case).

And do you have any data to back your “would negatively affect more users” claim? This is the behavior of wanikani, I haven’t seen people complaining about it on it’s forum, but have seen people complaining about bunpro’s behavior here.

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FYI if your Internet is slow enough or your fingers are fast enough, you can go to the next card and still hear the audio from the last one. But you gotta click it before the audio starts playing or it will cut off.


Hey yeah so your comment seems rather loaded. I have no intention to debate and flame the forum with this.

I wasn’t trying to personally offend you in any way, just putting forth another point of view and use case. Have a nice day


I think this works well on WaniKani because the audio is short (for just the vocab). On Bunpro I think it might make things confusing especially for more complex sentences


New gender: Haruna. Solv’d.


Huge! Thanks for all the hard work, can’t wait to hear them!


What if we still want to hear Haru’s voice :thinking:? Can you enable an option so that we can toggle on the original female voice sometime? :pray:t3:


I honestly would like that best: just like with classic video games, sometimes you prefer the original experience :grin::sparkles:.


Haruna is purged from N3 as well. :sob: :sob: :sob:

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Crazy work! The recordings sound great, is that AI voice or real people?


Real people! We had the audio done by professional voice actors.


Just want to say that the new audio is pretty good.


Will there be a notification when the audios hit N2,N1? Or just expect them to pop up in the next couple of weeks

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