Bunpro Book club (Beginner) VOTE IN PROCESS

As far as nominations for next round goes, unless someone has a new suggestion, should we just choose among the options that weren’t picked the first time around? If anyone wants to continue on with よつばと, they can always post in the existing thread.


pretty sure thats exactly how it works lol
plus you can add reccomations if it like actually good recomations and not like some like lvl 375837 on that one site but something a bit harder yet easy like this booookk yipyipyip :yum:
asher can always comment too if im wrong because like I have good judgement but im also not a mod for bunpro soooo :sweat:

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Hey hey! It seems like we’re getting to the point of the scheduled wrapup for yotsuba vol. 1, should we start thinking about getting another poll going?


We will start a new vote soon and then have a 1 week break between books :ok_hand:.



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I would like to nominate くまクマ熊ベア

Natively link

It’s regarded as the easiest light novel, and it’s available for free from Syosetu. It’s also a long series, so we can keep reading for a long time after the book club.

A dedicated gamer and antisocial shut-in downloads an update to her favorite fantasy RPG–only to find herself sucked into the game world for real. Reset to level one and equipped with only a cute bear onesie that grants her impressive abilities, Yuna sets out to explore her new reality–even though the fact that she can’t seem to take the bearsuit off gives her paws, er, pause!


Sorry everyone but regardless of book I won’t be joining the next one. Hopefully in the future I’ll join in but I just really don’t have time. But I still do fully support the book club and think it’s very good too see all the progress people make!
Please accept my shame for being constrained by the amount of hours in a day! I hope joining again in the future isn’t too late!


I’d like to suggest Skip and Loafer


I really enjoyed its anime adaptation, it was a very wholesome and fun story. That’d be the first manga I’d read in Japanese, so i’d be excited if I could read it as a part of this book club.

Excellent student Iwakura Mitsumi has always dreamt about leaving her small town, going to a prestigious university, and making positive change in the world. But she’s so focused on reaching her goals that she’s not prepared for the very different (and overwhelming) city life that awaits her in a Tokyo high school. Luckily, she makes fast friends with Shima Sousuke, a handsome classmate who’s as laid-back as she is over-prepared. Can this naive country girl make it big in Tokyo with Sousuke by her side?


New poll is available to vote on at the top of this post everyone! You can select as many options as you want if you have no specific preference and there are a few things that sound interesting to you!

This poll will close at the end of the 7th of June, at which point the winner will have been decided and I’ll make a new thread for our next book :blush:.

Please note that as of right now, it is too late to make new suggestions. However, any suggestions made will go on the candidacy list for the 3rd book. Any books that do not receive at least 15% selection will be removed from the poll next time, in order to prevent an excessive list of options with low popularity.


@Asher my nomination was for the light novel. I see that you put the manga in the poll. I hope the manga is suitable for beginners! Should I move the suggestion for the light novel to the intermediate club?

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Ahhhh :flushed::flushed:, sorry this was totally my mistake. I didn’t even register that it was a light novel. If it wins, maybe we can just do a revote quickly on whether to do the manga or the light novel?

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Sounds good! Thanks!

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For the next poll, I would like to nominate DBZ Android Saga:

This Volume is about 170 pages long, in full color, and with tons of Japanese slang and dialects mostly from Chi Chi (Goku’s wife), but there’s also polite speech (from Trunks, for example), so a bit of everything.

The story is very interesting too! Personally, I consider this and the Cell Saga to be the best DBZ has to offer. Of course this is a no brainer for DBZ fans, but I also encourage others who may have not given DBZ a try to check this specific saga out. It doesn’t disappoint, and I think there’s tons of Japanese to be learned here.

Highly recommended!!


Looks like we have a winner!

ポケットモンスタースペシャル, Volume 1 (Manga)

I will make a new thread for this book club, and will get a deck made for it asap.

The book club will officially start on the 17th of June, 2024. That should give people enough time to grab the book, and make any preparations they need to make. We will also try to get the deck setup with everything in it available before the start date.

Note - I will also make a new thread for Yotsubato volume 2 for those that want to continue it. Keep in mind though that as it is not the official book-club book, the pace will be 100% dependent on those that want to continue with the series.


Will there also be a deck for Yosuba vol. 2 or just a thread?

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Is it possible to buy the Japanese version through amazon.com? I don’t think amazon.co.jp works for my European Kindle and already existing amazon.com account. Or can anyone help me set it up properly?

I have 2 physical Kindle readers, one for the US store and one for the JP store. You can technically use the same for 2 stores, but then you have to de-register and re-register every time you change stores and download everything again. For me, it’s just not worth it.

You can make a separate account on Amazon JP (using a different email address than the one you use for other Amazon stores) and read in the browser.



I was too late for Yotsubato but I’ll catch the next book. I’ve already read thorough Yotsuba but it was before I learned grammar so I was just looking at the vocab and assuming what they were saying based on that lol. Now that I know grammar from N5 to N4, it’s much easier to read. I can’t believe I tried to read without even knowing what the て form was lol

I’m worried about Pokemon since I haven’t seen the series before and only know basic names like Pikachu and Evie. But I was always interested in getting into it since it’s so popular, so I’ll think of this as the beginning of my Pokemon journey


Yep, there will be a deck for Yotsubato 2! Will put it up within this week.


There are other purchase options on the Natively page for those for whom Amazon is inconvenient: https://learnnatively.com/book/2201b7f9bd/

I tend to use BookWalker for manga, it’s no fuss to buy from abroad on the jp site and the Android app works well on my tablet (my Kindle is a little too small to read manga comfortably).