Bunpro Book club (Beginner) VOTE IN PROCESS

Another option is BookLive:


Yess, excited for this!! I already own the first three volumes, which is the “Red and Blue” saga (the various plot arcs are named after the various games) and am halfway through volume 2, so I’m excited to reread the first volume more in depth. It feels so nostalgic and I like the way the Pokémon are drawn by the artist, some feel so squishable and huggable ahah.
I will be happy to provide context and information about Pokémon for newcomers to the series!


Thanks everyone for help on purchasing the ebook.

For others in a similar situation, I bought the ebook from BookWalker.
I went away from Amazon because of the location restriction and a Kindle not giving optimal conditions for reading mangas.
It was then between BookWalker and BookLive.
I decided on BookWalker because they had an Android app.

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What are the plans for pacing?
Looking at the pacing of Yotsubato, it seems that it started out with 7 pages per day, but ended on 3 pages per day.
Personally, I believe that 3 pages per day will be significantly more manageable.

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Excited that we’re doing Pokemon this time. I was hoping that’s what would get picked last time since I’ve already gone through Yotsubato.

Just purchased my copy off of amazon. Looking forward to starting next week. :blush:


It looks like every chapter is roughly 14 pages, so my suggestion would be one chapter per week. Easy to keep track of.


Pokemon post is up for those that would like to start!

The vocab deck is basically complete and we will be adding it in the next day or two once the final adjustments have been made.


Hi @Asher !
Do you know if Yotsuba& vol 1 and 2 are still available in bookstores in Osaka/Kyoto/Tokyo? I was in Naha recently and went to all the bookstores I could find and Youtsuba& Vol 1 was not available anywhere. (Even went into ‘Melonbooks’ and oops, I realized what the store name meant right away.) I was hoping I could try my luck again on a later trip to Japan this year. The shipping cost for the book from amazon.co.jp is just too high.
Is the poll for the next book club still open? I would like to vote for Doraemon Vol 1 as I was able to get my hands on that one.


New to the Book Club and message boards in general! 皆さん、こんにちは!! I need to incorporate reading into my self-studying. I only started this journey a year ago.


Hi there! The beginner book club is currently going through ポケットモンスタースペシャル vol 1. The discussion page is here


Thank you!!


I have definitely seen Yotsuba& in book stores before. I haven’t specifically looked for it recently, but I did see it around 6 months ago. I would try Animate. A decently sized one of those is almost guaranteed to have it.

Thanks! The Animate at Naha didn’t have it. I will try again later this year.

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@Asher Can we get the ‘current book’ info in the first post updated with the link to the new book/thread?


I would like to nominate two more options for the next round of voting.
An easy manga:
ちいさな森のオオカミちゃん - The Wolf of the small forest
(Level 15 on natively https://learnnatively.com/book/50c4b58766/)

and an easy novel:
こぐまのクーク物語春と夏 - The Story of Kuuku the Bear Cub: Spring and Summer

(Level 18 on natively https://learnnatively.com/book/ab7d021f5b/)


@Asher - Are we starting the voting for the new book today?

I’ll be late in joining due to going on holiday, but I would like to join the next club as well.

I would like to renominate the light novel for くまクマ熊ベア that Marifly suggested ages ago. I think it’d be a nice change from the two manga we’ve done so far. :slight_smile:

Natively Link


@Asher @Jake @veritas_nz
Are we no longer doing book clubs? A new book was never voted on for the advanced group, the current book for the intermediate group was never added to the decks, and we have not done a new vote for the beginners group.


I think it’s because interest waned. We were all in when the book clubs started in the spring, but everything just died as the year progressed. :frowning_face:


Regarding the advanced one, I’ve been meaning to post in that thread however previously only a few of us were participating and I personally have been busy with other things study-wise currently. If we get a few people who will definitely participate then I’ll join in though!

Hopefully after next month I’ll have more time and can pop into the beginner and intermediate threads to help people out again as I was trying to do before. I think we definitely need one or two more advanced people dropping by those threads regularly with observations and pointers in order to get the most out of them.