Bunpro Book club (Beginner)

How fun - I bought this last year. I’m in - I bought this about 6 mo ago, optimistic about my progress in Japanese. If possible, I would vote for a very slow pace to help people get acclimated.

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Oh, that looks great, thank you!! If it has the first few chapters I think I should be able to follow along online at least until I manage to get home in the next few weeks and try to order a copy!


I’ve already read Yotsubato Vol 1 a couple of times, but every time I understand more it’s easier to read. Nevertheless, I think I’ll join the next book club as I have some deadlines this month :frowning:

I’ll be happy to read your opinions though!


Also feel free to chime in if anyone is struggling with something that you remember learning from last time :blush:


Wow, this is really exciting stuff! I just saw one of these book club topics pop up on the Bunpro homepage dashboard, so I had to pop in. (Picked a random club to post to, but my sentiments go out all all three equally~) I probably won’t be joining in unless one of my current TBR books pops up, but I’ll definitely have fun watching everyone read neat stuff.

Small plug if that’s allowed (and if not I’ll edit this out!), but for those who haven’t heard of it, Learn Natively is a great place to keep track of the books you’re reading and find other ones, whether it be based on difficulty, tag, a certain service provider, award, previous book club book, etc. (LN also tracks TV shows/movies, and should eventually add visual novel and games as well.) The forums are also quite helpful; we have a lot of veteran readers since the site was originally focused around reading. Plus there’s plenty of on-going book clubs there as well for those looking for more!


Yotsubato discussion thread now up. From now, please move all Yotsubato related chat over here -

よつばと discussion (Beginner) April 2024


I’m in! I have a copy of よつばと at home that I have not read yet so this is perfect :slight_smile:

How does this book club work? Do we go chapter by chapter and discuss them?


Hi @Nath.king93, glad to have you reading with us! As the book clubs are new, we are yet to figure out any solid details about the pace, but for the time being, we will be setting the pace to 5 pages per day (probably with a day off once a week).

In regards to discussion, you can discuss anything that it is expected that the group would have read already. For example, on day 1, you can only discuss the first 5 pages, on day 5, anything in the first 25 pages would be fine. The only real things to keep in mind are to be careful about spoilers (use the hide content function of the forum to hide the question), and if you want to read at a faster pace, that’s 100% fine, but please save questions about future chapters until the main group is at the pages that you want to ask about :blush:.


Thanks @Asher , I just found the official thread :slight_smile:


Would probably be useful to add this link in the main post on the top as well. Right now the current book link is only to the amazon page. A link to the Yotsubato Bunpro thread as well would be nice


Good idea. Shall do :ok_hand:

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I bought my copy of よつばと - besides constantly seeing it show up on the beginner level on learnnatively, I know nothing about it so 楽しみにしています!


I am no where near ready to join you all but I love the decks accompanying the book club picks. It’s the reason why I signed up for a lifetime membership and I can’t wait to read with everyone eventually!


real tbh i read like uhh 4-5 pages fr and then deepl like uh 18-22 pages then i just stoppeddddd
do i have any idea where the bc is at rn? no.
do i really wanna look? no.
will i get spoliered? yeaaa.
will i finsh the book the same time everyone else does? yeaaa!
will i stay up till late reading the day before? …no…
will i be a good student and consistenily read to get to speed? hell no. i have finals coming up annd lots of missing work so no…
uh do i really like the book? hell yeah!
but, have i gotten spoliers from looking in here, cause of notifs or just like trying to get back to speed? mhmm.
someone pls tell me where we are and like a guess when this book is over,
thank you and i love you. <3

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i was talking about the disscuion bc gc not this forum btw lol

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I think you’re asking about the Yotsuba book club and where it is right now?

The first post in the thread includes a timetable, so you could look only at the first post and not got spoilered, but I’ve also copied and pasted it here:

Week Start and End Dates Chapter(s) Page Count
Week 1 4/1/2024 - 4/7/2024 Chapter 1 47
Week 2 4/8/2024 - 4/14/2024 Chapter 2 36
Week 3 4/15/2024 - 4/21/2024 Chapter 3 26
Week 4 4/22/2024 - 4/28/2024 Chapter 4 26
Week 5 4/29/2024 - 5/5/2024 Chapter 5 27
Week 6 5/6/2024 - 5/12/2024 Chapter 6 32
Week 7 5/13/2024 - 5/19/2024 Chapter 7 20

Considering today is the 5/10/2024, it looks we are just about to wrap Chapter 6 and begin the final week, next week.

Honestly, considering that, should we get some more nominations going for the next book club?


CHAPTER 6??? BROO NAHH im like uh halfway on chap 1??? i think i finished chap 1 that why i cheating/cheated brooooo

uuuuggghhh how many chapeters are in the book? :sob:

edit: nvm, sillly question i firgured it out lol :yum:

As far as nominations for next round goes, unless someone has a new suggestion, should we just choose among the options that weren’t picked the first time around? If anyone wants to continue on with よつばと, they can always post in the existing thread.


pretty sure thats exactly how it works lol
plus you can add reccomations if it like actually good recomations and not like some like lvl 375837 on that one site but something a bit harder yet easy like this booookk yipyipyip :yum:
asher can always comment too if im wrong because like I have good judgement but im also not a mod for bunpro soooo :sweat:

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Hey hey! It seems like we’re getting to the point of the scheduled wrapup for yotsuba vol. 1, should we start thinking about getting another poll going?