Bunpro Book club (Intermediate)

Looks like im about to head off to Book Off and pick up my copy of スーパーカブ!


Voting over! Winner - スーパーカブ
More details to follow soon.


Hi Everyone,

Make sure you get the correct version of スーパーカブ. There’s a novel, which is what we’re gonna be reading, and there’s also a manga (which we are not reading here).

Also, for those who don’t want to create a Japanese Amazon account, you can purchase this on Book Walker or Book Live. You still have to create an account, but it’s just your email, then they send you a confirmation link where you can add a password. That’s pretty much it. No need to enter a Japanese address.



Wait, there is a tie. both スーパーカブ and 君の名は are 37%.


In the event of ties we are going to be going with suggestions based on time. More info on this will be available in the official rules that I will be posting a bit later today. We also have a lot more thorough rules for other books going forward as well. Additionally in terms of ties, we may potentially have two simultaneous groups, should there be enough participants to warrant it.


Official book club rules available for viewing here. Keep in mind that these are rules that have been created based on our best estimate of how book clubs will proceed. Things may change in the future.

I will also be editing the original content of this post to better reflect a long term starting point and guide for users that join this level.


Bought the first volume! It is even currently on sale on Bookwalker, if someone wants to buy it there.


Just a heads up regarding Amazon Japan. I signed up a few weeks ago from Australia and there was no requirement for a Japanese address. I’ve had two deliveries since then and all has been well, delivery times have both been 8 days.


Your suggestion is now in the Advanced book club group. If it somehow gets voted at some point, join in and have a go! :smiley:


Yay thank you! I’m doing solidly with スーパーカブ (with lots of vocab lookup) so maybe will do Advanced next round to challenge self!!


I’ve been grinding through it as well and it’s so cool I understand the gist of things even if I am looking up at least one word every sentence. I can tell reading more types of things is going to be something I need to spend a lot of time doing moving forward.


Same! It’s both forcing me to look up so many words and also slow down in a way I really need when studying, and wanting to know what’s going to happen next is great motivation?


Very interesting to see book clubs pop up!

I might join in the future if the book catches my interest.

There’s nothing worse than trying to read something in a difficult language you are learning if you are not interested/invested in the text :sweat_smile:


Super Cub thread discussion now live. From now, please move all Super Cub related discussion here -

スーパーカブ discussion (Intermediate) April 2024

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I just wanted to put in a new suggestion before I forget: 「時をかける少女」 by 筒井 康隆. I guess this might be in the upper intermediate level.

In fact, I would recommend any book by Tsutsui.


I’d like to suggest また、同じ夢を見ていた as a novel, although I’m not sure whether it should be beginner or intermediate? I’d be inclined to say the latter because it’s a novel + isn’t full furigana, but Iunno.


Hello, hello! I think I’d like to try out moving up to the intermediate club for the second iteration, so I’m gonna throw in a recommendation hehe.


Wasn’t totally sure how to gauge difficulty level, so I just tried to pick something that looked similarly ranked on learnnatively to スーパカーブ (and also that I would enjoy reading lol).


Oh if we are going to bring up nominations again(even though intermediate is still quite a ways off ending ), I discovered a manga I really enjoy has a light novel:

日本へようこそエルフさん or in English, Welcome to Japan Elf-san

Here is the natively link: https://learnnatively.com/book/22a440393c/

Considering it switches from a fantasy world to modern Japan, it might be a good starting point for more fantasy focused reading. <3

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I think you may have been looking at the manga, instead of the novel.
The novel is a lot more difficult than the manga. While you’re pick is still intermediate, it may be more suited to the beginner club? My perception of difficulty may be skewing now that I’m getting better at reading though. :woman_shrugging:

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Ah yes, I 100% got the two mixed up haha. I think you bring up a point that is interesting and difficult to calibrate, because while I think you’re right - this as a recommendation is probably on the easier side for those who are already participating in the intermediate club, I’d worry if an option like this got picked for the beginner club it might be prohibitively difficult?

Admittedly, it seems like the preference for recommendations in this thread has tended towards light novels.

I’m curious to hear Asher (and whoever else)'s opinions on how the difficulty of each level has been.