How can I view this on mobile device? I don’t see XP for example.
I believe you probably want to use their mobile app
Unless you mean the app isnt working for you
Here is a link to the forum post about the app release (they’ve been updating it or so I’m told)
The links for app download are in the first comment I believe.
Hope this helps
Superpnut, I have the iOS app installed. I don’t see the XP points or levels.
Did XP change? I recently got an item to adept 1 (level 4) and it gave me 100XP. Earlier today I also did about a dozen reviews on some fairly new items and got more than 1000XP.
What’s the workflow for studying vocab? On my desktop browser, I can seemingly only go to content → vocab search and search for specific vocab. On the Android app, I can also view a list of all the N5 vocab, where I can separately add them to my reviews. But they never seem to show up as lessons. So am I meant to just pick and choose each vocab item I want to study from the list separately or am I missing something here?
Is there somewhere from the front page/dashboard that shows decks? For example the Kansai deck, how do I access that from the dashboard?
This is a bug that should be fixed really soon!
You’re meant to go through the Decks system!
This should show up in your navbar if you’re signed up for the Beta – which you should be if you’re using the Vocab system.
Deck page can be found here
Not yet!
We’re gonna do a large Decks overhaul in the next year or so (don’t quote me on that) which will likely include a Deck-specific overhaul.
Indeed I was not in the beta. The option showed up as soon as I opted in. Thank you!
Are the SRS intervals still accurate?
They should be, but I’ve seen a few people on the forums, mostly those with older accounts, mention that some items have buggy SRS levels. This also happened to me with a lot of items in my beginner Q showing that their next review would be after 2 months. This shouldn’t be possible. To fix it I just went to those items’ pages and manually reset the SRS level to the previous SRS level.
@veritas_nz also made a script that can run all of your items and reset the buggy ones if you have more than just a few of them.
This comment includes how to reset the items manually.
Sorry if this question has already been asked before, I poked around a bit but wasn’t able to find it right away.
If I cancel my subscription (yearly) and then subscribe again later will I still have all the same progress recorded on my account? It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to study and while I really love the Bunpro app for test prep, I’m not currently using it enough to keep paying for a subscription, but I don’t want to come back to it in the future and have to start all over.
Welcome to the community
I was on and off bunpro for a while in the beginning. Subscription or not it kept my progress. It’s tied to your account so unless you manually reset or delete it, the progress will stay
Ah, that’s great to know, thank you!
Is it possible to include kanji within an answer?
Hi there!
Not currently. Only hiragana answers are supported.
Sorry if this has already been answered. I did a quick search, but I couldn’t locate exactly what I was looking for. In terms of examples sentences, should we learn them with our initial introduction to grammar? Or would it be better not to read them first and encounter them during our reviews?
Each person is different, but given how a lot of grammar points have various nuances that are shown in different example sentences, it’d probably be best to read over them all and see if you have any lingering questions that result from them. More reading is always good reading, can’t hurt. Are you finding your current approach not working or are you just gauging to see what others have done in the past?
Thanks! I’m just gauging what others are doing, so I can refine my own study techniques. I appreciate the help!