Bunpro integration with wanikani too much?

Hello there,

I am relatively new to using Bunpro (around 15 days) and at the beginning I integrated the wanikani vocabulary. Unfortunately I have regretted that decision since the amount of reviews in Bunpro have become too much and besides the given fill in examples are too difficult to understand at my current level. Is there a way to revert the wanikani integration and remove the corresponding kanji and vocabulary from my reviews?


You can go to your settings → Reset and reset WaniKani vocab completely

If you still get reviews, then you need to go into every vocab deck and delete your progress for every lesson batch manually via clicking on the three dots on the right of every lesson bar and choose “remove all”:

If you just want to mark every vocab you already learned in WaniKani as “mastered”, so it doesn’t cause more review piles here on Bunpro, you can do that in your settings too via going into you general settings and pressing the update settings for WaniKani:

Then you get a popup where you can choose to mark every WaniKani Guru item as Mastered here:

But you don’t have to do that. If you rather want to go through every vocab item Bunpro offers despite some overlaps with WaniKani, then just delete your API key in your settings to stop any synching.

Hope that helps.


What are your 2 cents about setting all of the WaniKani learned terms as mastered? It would make sense because I’m already reviewing them in another SRS system, but BunPro actually puts the vocab in a sentence. I figured that reviewing them also in Bunpro could be beneficial, but the review worload is high even for a WK lvl4 like me


Personally I find that Bunpro’s system is more effective for me but it all depends on what you think. If you think Bunpro’s system works best I wouldn’t recommend syncing, but if you think you have a good enough understanding to remember the word and its meaning in English/Italian then you will probably be okay, however I find that Wanikani has helped with my JP to EN while Bunpro has really helped me with EN to JP. Personally I regret syncing with Wanikani, especially because now I am going to have to go through and reset all of it manually as I can’t just reset Wanikani deck as I’ve done stuff that was in that deck that I hadn’t done on Wanikani.


If you are not too far in WK, I think not syncing is better. Then you can start going through WaraKani deck until you catch up, and set the default level of items to a higher SRS stage, to minimize reviews of already known concepts – but this way if you are forgetting something, you will also be able to catch it.

If you are already very deep in WK, then it gets trickier.


I’m already at lvl 18 on WaniKani, alongside an Anki deck for learning the stroke order in WaniKani level order to keep both close together, immerse a lot and use Migaku for my vocab studies since WaniKani only teaches some vocab to strengthen the kanji readings in the first place (they’re a kanji teaching platform, after all). So for now I don’t need an additional SRS on vocab by Bunpro.
I’m currently only here for the grammar stuff.
If I ever so happen to study vocabs here on Bunpro, I’ll definitively encounter vocab I already learned either through WaniKani (since the synching is not 100% accurate) or encountered in the wild - and I won’t hesitate to mark them as mastered on the spot. :sunglasses:

But that’s my personal strategy, since my main SRS is actual native content with the aid of a paid browser extension I chose to support, and don’t plan on using all tools for longer than necessary (at least, that’s what I tell my completionist-me every day :joy:).

Different learners have different approaches due to different lives (to keep it short).

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Just popping in to say you can change the review style. You can go into settings>review to adjust all your reviewa the same way, or individually through deck settings

Welcome to the community :tada:


The strategy I use is to add vocabulary manually. Occasionally when I feel like it, I would go to vocabulary deck, go over the list, pick 10-15 words I think I know, or should know, and I add them to Bunpro reviews. Also words that are make of kanji I know but they are not in WK and I think they are good to know.

This mixes up the order a little, and I am in control of the pace. On top of that, when I am reading something, and I encounter interesting word I want to remember, I look for it here and add it to SRS.

I am not sure what the problem with fill in is. I remember that my issue was different font and some questions are not clear, but that is normal for vocabulary. However, I recommend to switch to “read and grade” review style for grammar.

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