Bunpro old level SRS reviews

I have a question, I have completed N5 and N4 grammar points and I’m currently working through N3, I noticed that after I finish one JLPT level I have to go to settings and select the new leven to be able to study the grammar; my question is as I change level am I still able to “automatically review” my old level grammar point thought the SRS? I haven’t seem them in a while and I’m not sure if it is because I have more knowledge and thus those grammar points appear far from time to time, or because I manually changed my JLPT level in my settings now all my SRS reviews are just N3? and if so, how can I fix it?

Thank you and sorry if this question is just a misconception of how bunpro works, but I haven’t found any answer yet.

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Check the items in your Master level. If they’ve all moved into there you won’t see them in reviews any longer. If they haven’t yet reached Master level then they will still remain in your reviews independent of the JLPT level you have set.


It’s most likely that you have leveled them up in the SRS so they take much longer to appear. You can check the date of your next review for an item by searching it through the grammar search function


Thank you so much!

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