Bunpro reviews like WaniKani?

Hi there! I am still new to Bunpro and still struggling with the different review settings. I have been using WaniKani almost 2 years and like the way that if I do a mistake, the same card(kanji or vocab) will appear again within the next 5-10 cards. But in Bunpro, once I do one mistake, I have to complete all 300+ grammar reviews before the card reappears. Am I doing something wrong, or is that just the way Bunpro works?

Any advice would be highly appreciated!

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When you’re doing your reviews and click this icon image after you’ve made at least one mistake, it will show this pop-up
You can wrap up all the mistakes you’ve made so far (you don’t have to have made just one mistake, mine is one just to illustrate). Sometimes I finish the session on purpose if I did too many mistakes.


I just started bunpro too and had the same issue. My solution was to reduce the amount of reviews it gives at one time. You can do this by entering a review session and hitting the setting icon in the top left. Then under “queue order” turn “session review order” on and change the limit to something lower. I set mine to 20 and it works a lot better for me.

It’s not as seamless as WK, but it means you won’t forget the answer before it comes up again.


I would also recommend turning on ghosts. On WK, if you get something wrong when you’re at the last SRS stage, it comes back down several levels so that you will see it again pretty soon. On Bunpro I think that is not the case (I do not have any expert or master items yet), so if you get it wrong it may take a while before you get that in your reviews again. The ghosts help you practice in the meantime.


I’d personally recommend starting with Minimal Ghosts and adjusting from there. Especially for items you’re still learning, full ghosts can quickly become overwhelming! It really depends on how thoroughly you want to understand and remember every grammar point.


Thank you so much :heart:


Thank you so much, I totally missed that function, you saved me!’


Thank you! Will do that :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much, this is very helpful!

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You can change in your setting to be more “harsh” on you when you fail an item → instead of going down just one level, you can set it completely back to beginner level 1 (there are other options too).
(Settings → Reviews → SRS Strictness

Yes, I send my items back to square 1 :sweat:)
That plus the ghost feature, and you have more than enough repeats.

Also, there’s the option to cram items without waiting for reviews. You can pick every single item by hand or choose the whole lesson block, and how many times you want to cram it in one session. So you can study your weak points even more. :slight_smile:
(Practice → Cram - here’s the link)