Bunpro Stat Sheet

Hello !

I do enjoy doing a lot of stats, sheets, graphs … And I’m starting to be satisfied with my bunpro sheet, so I thought I would share it to you all :slight_smile:

How does it work ?

  • Every day, I do note the number of items I have in Beginner, Adept, … Master in columns B:F, but also the Ghost reviews in column H. Already based on that, I have some conditional formating that inform me if my ghost reviews did increase (marked as red) or reduced (marked as green). The goal is to see clearly if I start to have too many difficult grammar points to review. If that’s the case, in general, I go then in Bunpro and see what are those, what can I do to help with those… etc
  • I also have 2 conditional formatting on Beginner/Adept. Since they are the biggest culprit for the daily total load, I try to be sure I don’t have more than 12 beginners and 70 adepts.
  • Then, on columns I to O, I compute the number of grammar items I have with AT LEAST, a certain level, and subtract the same value from the last day. This helps me to see if things are going RIGHT or LEFT (towards Beginner). It’s useful to see, for example, if I have a few -2/-3 in Adept or -1 in Seasoned, that I should also be careful. In the contrary, if I have a +6 (at least) Adepts, +4 Seasoned, it means I made some progress and my workload is decreasing, allowing me to add more New Items.
  • Q:W columns are theoritical computation to see what is my estimated workload. The computation is simple : I consider 1 beginner item as 1 load (it will bring me 1 review), 1 adept is equal to 1/4 because in average, Adept 1-3 have a SRS interval of 4 days, for Seasoned it’s 1/30, and Expert it’s /120 (4 months). Of course, this can go wrong if you have a lot of Seasoned 1 items, then the estimate will be too low, but all in all it’s to have an idea. Of course, Ghost Reviews count as 1 (per day). The assumption is that you do one session per day, which is not always my case, so this is more about having a rough idea of what would be your workload if you want to do at least 1 review for each points, but if you have time for more, it’s not accounted here.
  • Columns Y-AF are just there to have an estimate of how many days I have left before finishing the whole grammars points, based on a weighted average of the past week. (Weights are in the formula, feel free to change them)

In the second sheet “Bunpro Graph”, I have a nice stacked graph to visualize it, nice to add in your reports if you do any :slight_smile:

If you have ideas, feel free to share :slight_smile:

I also think for the future of Bunpro, having such markers could also help users !


One idea could be to have a second graph of relative values, showing what percentage of the items you have learnt are beginner/adept/whatever the others are.
Of course, ghosts wouldn’t work here, but no worries because they’re shown more meaningfully on the original graph.
Also having one set for grammar and one for vocab :+1:

bpstats, anyone? :yum:


Do you use some script to save the data on the excel sheet?

Something like this ?

You can simply duplicate the graph sheet and use a “100% stacked graph” instead of the one selected

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No I just write it myself, it’s in general only 3 values that changes every day so not very long to do :slight_smile:

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