Bunpro Vocab Ghosts/Bookmarks

Hey everyone, just had a few questions about vocab in Bunpro.

I have bookmarked some vocab but can not seem to find a place where I can access them as the bookmark section only shows grammar.

Also does vocab not have ghost reviews? I have gotten some wrong but they do not seem to come up as ghost reviews like grammar does.

Sorry if these questions have been answered

Thank you for your help!!

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As far as I’m aware, there are no ghost reviews for vocab(at least manual input which is what I use). If you get it wrong, it either goes down a srs level or goes back to srs 1(not 100% sure which but if you are getting it wrong heaps it will likely be srs 1 anyway), and I think at srs 1 they come back every hour so there isn’t much point in ghosts since the grammar ghosts are focusing on specific sentences you are getting wrong.
Again, this is with manual input so it could be different for cloze, I feel like ghosts would work better with cloze.

Not sure about the bookmarks sorry :sob:

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Currently Vocab does not have ghost reviews. Also, if you get it wrong, it goes down 1 SRS level.

I think ghost reviews doesn’t make as much sense for vocab as it does for grammar (but I could be wrong and am open to other opinions), because grammar generally has a more ‘global’ effect on a sentence (may be affected by tense, politeness, for examples), whereas vocab is more ‘local’ to the sentence (you generally get the word ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, there doesn’t tend to be much conjugation, afaict).

[ETA: BTW, I switched over from ‘manual’ to ‘cloze’ a while back. Cloze is more difficult because it requires production (of the Japanese kana) rather than just recognition (of the meaning, into an English equivalent). But still, I don’t think even cloze reviews for vocab would benefit much from ghosts. :man_shrugging: ]


I see, that makes sense. Thank you for explaining! I guess aslong as it goes down a level it will still serve the purpose for the reviews. And after you explained it, i guess its not really necessary for vocab ghost reviews😅

Do wish they added a place to see vocab bookmarks though!

Thanks for the reply! Appreciate it!

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Now that you mention it, i see your point on vocab ghost reviews not being that necessary ! Thanks for your input! As long as the SRS drops!

And i am also currently doing the Cloze format! Definitely nice for reproducing rather than just recognition!

Thanks for your reply!

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I’m not sure I understand the argument, for me a ghost review is mainly to get a “burst” of reviewing for a specific point that I forgot/messed up. I would absolutely like to be able to have ghosts for vocab I think.

I see what you mean about the “locality” of vocab, but that doesn’t really make ghost reviews less useful IMO.

I do use the cloze format for vocab as well btw.

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I would personally love to have ghost reviews for vocab if you’re on the fill-in-the-blank mode. There are quite a few words that have multiple meanings but maybe only one or two example sentences that test that particular meaning, so it can be difficult to get exposure to those meanings. If you get it wrong and the srs goes down, it may be awhile until you see that example sentence again.

Having a ghost review for that specific sentence/meaning would help hammer it home. Just my two cents!


I agree entirely!