I seem to have some problems where I understand the words, the grammar and how they connect but for some reason, it still doesn’t mean I understand how this sentence in Japanese means the English Translation. Overtime I’ve been able to piece things together better but this one I wanted to make sure I follow the structure. This is from the first episode of Usagi Drop
何か 庭に女の子いたけど. 春子んちのって あんなだったっけ
By the way, there was a girl in the yard. I can’t remember, is Haruko’s girl that age?
The first sentence is cut and dry to me. In the direction of the garden, a girl existed. The next one I’m iffy on. From what I understand 春子んちのって is basically a fragmented part of a sentence with the の connecting to the little girl from the previous sentence. The next part being “In such a way” roughly and だったっけ basically meaning that he’s remembering something in the past or from what he remembered. Is it safe to assume that あんな implies age and the actual translation is that that little girl in the yard is the same stature as his guess that Haruko is and age is just implied or is just the cleanest way to translate?