So I thought I understood the circles and the directions of giving and receiving, but this N4 practice question from shinkanzen master has me bamboolzed.
> トム:「このセーター、サラさんに(1)んです。」
> 山田さん:「へえ、サラさんが作ったんでしょうか。」
> トム:「ええ、サラさんが(2)んです。」
> 1a あげた b くれた c もらった
> 2a 作ってあげた b 作ってくれた c 作ってもらった
My answer & explanation
So I went for 1b and 2a.
My thinking, Sarah is not in my inner circle of family otherwise it would be 妹 etc. So I’m receiving from outside my inner circle => くれた
Then, what did Sarah do? Well she made it and ‘gave’ it to me.
My reaction to the answer
Ok, so my mistake, Sarah is a friend and inside my circle, so I もらう a sweater from her.
And again, rather than say she made it and gave it to me (how I’d say it in English) - she made it and I received it from her (how you’d say it in Japanese).
BUT I really don’t understand why the second answer is ~くれた - has Sarah elevated to a different circle between the first answer and the second? Surely if the first answer is もらう then the second answer is also ~もらう?
So my question is less ‘why did I get it wrong’ and more ‘can someone explain why the answer to 2 is what the textbook says’