Can we login on more than 1 device?

Hello— Just started a subscription and I’m using Bunpro from one of my iPads. I want to use it on my desktop computer, too. But when I try to login it says “Invald Email or password”. Resetting doesn’t seem to cure it— I can only stay logged in 1 place.

Is this the same experience that others have?


In my experience, you can. I log into the site and multiple devices via the app.


I’m having no issues using it across desktop, macbook and iphone


Yep! I’m logged into both my laptop and school Chromebook, and I haven’t been facing any difficulties.
As a matter of fact, I’m actually typing this from my Chromebook during the last period of the day…


I have no problem logging into multiple devices, and logging in on the same device twice via Dual-boot also works perfectly fine. Perhaps you accidentally used your username instead of Email? (Happened to me way too often lol)

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Thank you all. I guess my next question is, has anyone had to interact with technical support, or Bunpro support for that matter? I haven’t had much luck with them by email.

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They should respond eventually! From my understanding, it’s run by a relatively small team. They might even just respond on here themselves.

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Have you tried to log out of everything (both forum and Bunpro itself, on all devices) and then log in again? It might be something with the transition to a paid subscription that gets messed up if you’re logged in several places. It should certainly be possible to login to more than one device!

@veritas_nz can you take a look?

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Huh? I was already using Bunpro on my Chromebook during my free trial, and it synced up pretty seamlessly. I had no problems when I got my yearly subscription, so it could probably be a problem with one (or both) of OP’s devices. I dunno, I’m not too great with tech.

DMed you!

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