Can we please get a weekend mode?

I fully understand that the best way to retain information is to practice every single day. But I also understand that the best way isn’t always the best way. My weekends are very busy, and no matter how hard I try I ALWAYS fall behind on my bunpro reviews during the weekend and then my reviews start piling up and I eventually get overwhelmed.

Can we please get a mode where weekends are counted as a break? The SRS spreads reviews out throughout the day and I’m never able to catch up. I don’t have much time to do this over the weekend, so I would prefer to use the little study time I do have on those days towards other things like reading instead of SRS. It would be extremely convenient if Bunpro had a setting to automatically pause during the weekend and then serve me new reviews on Monday morning as if it were Saturday morning. Basically an automated setting for the vacation mode.

And of course retain the option to study or do reviews, but please just keep them from piling up. This is the reason why I keep abandoning Bunpro. I like this app but this part is killing me.

And while I’m on the topic, there needs to be a better way to ease back in without resetting everything. I haven’t used Bunpro in a few months because I’ve been struggling with ADHD and new meds, now my review count is sky high. It would be so convenient of there was a setting to push all of these reviews into another pile and slowly add those words and grammar points back into my review count a little bit each day.

Please. Help me so that I can stick with the app and not abandon it again. I want to study this but between the weekends and the difficulty of easing back into routine after burning out, it’s so hard to keep going sometimes. I don’t want to give up though.


Not necessarily a perfect fit but if you go into your Settings > Reviews > General, there’s a setting called “Review queuing timing” where instead of being set at hourly you can change it to daily. That way you can chip at your reviews during the day instead of being forced into a specific pace.

If your reviews keep pilling up, reduce or stop doing daily lessons until you can catch up. Once you’re back in control then look into resuming your lessons. You don’t have to rush cleaning the pile either. Just keep the chunks manageable so that they be better spaced out for your lifestyle. You are in complete control of your workload. You can also adjust the setting “Grammar Ghost Reviews” if it produces too much ghost reviews. It can also tend to get out of control really fast from my experience.

Hope this helps.


It might also be good if there was a setting for Maximum Number of Reviews per Session.

If someone has a backlog of 1000 reviews, it might be daunting to see that number while you’re trying to go through them. Also, I don’t like having to leave a review session with unfinished reviews.


That’s already a thing :sparkles: during review session hit the cog in the top left to adjust queue settings. It’ll keep that setting for every session until you change it


Wow! I guess I just haven’t looked through all the menus enough yet! Thanks!


I have this enabled already but if I get anything wrong than it’s going to pop up again later in the day - as will anything new that I studied on that day - so the benefits of this feature are limited for this specific scenario. But I thought it was more useful when I was sticking to my study routine.

Basically what I want is a feature that will automatically toggle the vacation mode during the weekends.