24,152 + 300 (reviews) + 180 (textbook) = 24,632
24,632 + 86 (reviews) = 24,718
Reviews since my last post:
02.03: 159
03.03: 98
04.03: 120
05.03: 121
total: 498
25,718 + 498 = 26,216
26,216 - 1000 accidentally added +
224 (reviews) + 10 (reading) + 105 (videos) from yesterday +
257 (reviews) + 10 (reading) + 100 (videos) from today
= 25,922
25 922 + 81 (Reviews from yesterday) = 26 003
26003 + 398(Wanikani) + 262(Bunpro) + 20 (Mob Psycho Episode) + 119 (Anki Reviews) = 26802
26 802 + 179 reviews = 26 981
Yesterday and the day before yesterday’s reviews:
3.4 → 257 (reviews)
3.5 → 91 (reviews)
26,981 + 348 = 27,329
27,329 + 32 reviews + 8 from NHK = 27,369
27,369 + 69 (reviews) = 27,438
27,438 + 532 (reviews) = 27,970
Oh god, we are walking faster than I thought. We just walked the diameter of the Warsaw (capital city of the Poland (My country)) under 10 days. I am adding my reviews from yesterday.
27 970 + 103 = 28 073
28073 + 240(Bunpro) + 123(Anki) + 40(2 Mob Psycho Episodes) + 380(WaniKani) = 28856
28856 + 60 (Bunpro) + 187 (Anki) = 29103
Also: first forum post \o/
29 103 + 188 reviews = 29 291
I’ve finally committed to counting all of my WaniKani reviews, so here goes.
Bunpro reviews: 62
WaniKani: 101
NHK: 8
Other reading: 8
Total: 179
29,291 + 179 = 29,470
First time walking here :3
29,470 + 85 (reviews) = 29,555
29,555+113 (reviews) = 29,668