I’m studying in a rather fast pace (out of the genuine necessity), and Bunpro isn’t the only resource I use. For example, on Renshuu, there’s such thing as “Focused Review”, where you can review anything as many times in a row as you want. Also, there’s an “infamous” Anki clone called AnkiPro, which though has an advantage, that is, being able to also repeat a deck as many times as you want (called General Repetition as opposed to Spaced Repetition), and I’m also actively using this feature on my small decks, which works great for me personally (I don’t quickly forget things learned this way). Is there such a feature to trigger a review ahead of its “natural” time on Bunpro?
Have a look into the Cram feature, where you can select which type of review you want to do and then which decks/lessons you want to practise
Thank you! I forgot some basic interface features that were shown in the introduction, it seems
No worries, enjoy cramming!
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