Complete level badge bug?

A few weeks ago I finished adding to my reviews all the N3-level grammar. As with N5 and N4, I expected to get my badge, but I didn’t. I reported this but didn’t get any answers. I was starting to wonder if they changed how these badges work and maybe now you need to master the items before you get the badge. Or is it just a bug?


Hi there!

I can take a look at this for you.
We’ve had a few issues with badges not updating in the past, but it’s been hard replicating the issues!

Having the items in your review queue should be enough to trigger the badge – they don’t need to be Mastered, so this is likely a bug.

Just checking – all items are appearing with badges on the Grammar Points index page?

Thank you for your answer. Yes, they all have a badge. And when I toggle the hide studied grammar option, I can only see grammar points from N2 and N1 levels, so I don’t think I’m missing anything. On the lessons page, it also has a badge:

And the deck also appears as complete:

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Hey! Thank you for the bug report. I awarded the N3 badge to your account.


Awesome! Thank you, Jake.

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I’m having a similar issue with N3 as well. Maybe because I didn’t finish all of N4 before starting N3?

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