Confused about an example sentence in もし lesson

The sentence:

もし今日にくる来れれば来てね (If you can come today, please do.)

was given as an example. However, I don’t understand the sentence at all.
First, why are there two verbs before 来てね : くる and 来れれば? What is くる even doing there?
Second, why is it 来れれば, shouldn’t it be 来られれば?
And lastly, wouldn’t:


be more natural?

Thanks for the clarification!

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I could be wrong, but I believe it is to add emphasis to the fact that you are coming because it is today, rather than you are just coming today.

I think 今日にくる is the xにくる grammar, meaning you are coming for x. So, 今日にくる来れれば would be "if you come with the purpose of coming because it is today. "

Maybe you are speaking to someone that wouldn’t have you over usually, but today is special for some reason, like it’s their mom’s birthday, and they are emphasizing that if you are coming because today is today (a special day), then you can come, but you can’t come if you are just coming to come over as though it were any other day.

I’m confusing myself a little explaining this, but I think that’s what’s happening, but again, I could be wrong.

Thanks for answering! I’m actually more confused now. So, since the sentence is potential and conditional, then it would mean “if you can come with the purpose of coming because it is today. Please do”? But then, wouldn’t that require for くる to be hypothetical/conditional as well, like adding と after くる, [ もし今日にくると来れれば来てね ] ?
Honestly, I’m thinking the additional くる may just be a typo lol. Also, shouldn’t it be 来られれば and not 来れれば?

The くる is a typo,shouldn’t be there.

Regarding 来れれば, dropping the ら from られる is common in casual speech although it is considered wrong by some speakers. In this context it is fine.

I don’t think so. I think the writer is using the も"し今日にくる" to modify the 来れれば, so there is no need for と. Just make it casual form and slap it in front of the 来れれば and they’re good to go.

Thanks for answering! Oh, I completely forgot about ラ抜き言葉. Maybe because it doesn’t appear in the reviews at all. lol

I don’t think it is grammatically possible to do that and, regardless, I doubled checked with a native after my comment and they said it was a typo. If you can further explain your theory then I’m happy to be wrong but it doesn’t make sense to me personally.

That’s fine. I said it’s possible I could be wrong from the start, but you also haven’t convinced me either. You didn’t write the sentence, so simply saying, “it’s a typo” without any input from the writer is unconvincing, although it might be. It makes more sense to me to interpret what the author could have meant, or what the sentence as written means, rather than dismissing it on an assumption. As for it being ungrammatical, that does little to convince me since the rest of the sentence (来れれば) is also ungrammatical.

The sentence is totally grammatical without くる in there. With くる I believe it is ungrammatical because くる is in the terminal (dictionary) form and, as the name suggests, that form is used at the end of a sentence/phrase/whatever you want to call it. As far as I know it is impossible to link verbs together like that. I also could be wrong but since the native speaker next to me said it’s a typo I am inclined to believe them. It isn’t impossible that they are wrong as well, I guess.

来れれば is not ungrammatical, unless I am missing something obvious. It is the ば form of the potential.

I was originally just trying to reply to the OP so didn’t think I’d need to justify my answer.

(I also just asked another native and they agree that it is a typo and doesn’t make sense)

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This is definitely a typo, will get it fixed! The に after 今日 is also a typo as に isn’t usually used as a time marker with indefinite times.

もし今日来れれば来てね is what would be the most natural.

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Thanks for the clarification! Also, as I have only encountered に as a marker for location and frequency in N5 and N4 lessons, is there a separate lesson for に as a time marker which would also expound on when and when not to use it, like as you have mentioned for indefinite times?

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Our N5 に lesson covers all of the uses, including time. The indefinite time usage is a little bit advanced, and something we intend on getting into deeper in the future when we add the intermediate level explanations for the grammar points. For now, we might just add a caution section for this particular point.

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Okay, thanks!

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